Subscribe to ULACNet Update.
As 2024 draws to a close, we take a moment to reflect on the impactful year for the US-Latin American-Caribbean HIV/HPV-Cancer Prevention Clinical Trials Network (ULACNet). Now in its sixth year, the network continues to drive forward its mission to improve preventive clinical care and reduce the
In this issue we present: Living with HIV and Preventing Cervical Cancer, AQuIP Analysis, Screening for and Prevention of Anal Cancer as Standard of Care for People with HIV, and Auditing The ULACNet Program.
In this issue we present: Connecting and Presenting at EUROGIN 2024, Challenges and Solutions for Carrying out Multicenter Clinical Trials, and OPTIMO Study has Completed Enrollment in Peru, Brazil and Haiti.
In this issue we present: the 2023 ULACNet and CAMPO Meetings in San Juan, PR, the long and winding journey in ROCCHHA, the ULACNet-302 site visit, and the New and Improved UNITED webpage.
In this issue, we present: IPVC Round Up, Women Living with HIV, ULACNet-301 opens in Brazil, ULACNet-202 Site Initiation Visits (SIVs) in Brazil & Mexico, and Training healthcare professionals caring for persons living with HIV in patient navigation services and roles, and clinical trials.
We present ULACNet-302 Estudio Oportunidad: An opportunity to improve the health of women living with HIV, Recruitment strategies for the ULACNet 201 study in Puerto Rico, and Use of a mobile application as a strategy to reinforce recruitment to an HPV vaccine clinical trial: ULACNET-201.
As we embark on year 4 of ULACNet, this issue highlights successes & opportunities, considers how we respond to the community voice in study recruitment, discusses community participation in ULACNet-201 trial recruitment in Mexico, and presents social media as a recruitment strategy for ULACNet-101.
In this issue, we feature: ULACNet Initiative to Enhance Community Dialogue, Community outreach strategies for recruitment in ULACNet-101 in Puerto Rico, Accrual initiated in Peru for ULACNet-301, an Investigator Spotlight on Dr. Luisa Lina Villa & an introduction to new DCP staff Dr. Silvina Frech.
This issue recognizes January as Cervical Cancer Awareness Month by presenting four articles entitled, "ULACNet Annual Meeting: A Global Network Together in One (Zoom) Room", "Perseverance Through the COVID Pandemic", "What’s In A Name?", and "Lessons Learned from ULACNet-101".
In this issue, we feature: ULACNet-101 Getting Ready for Recruitment, ROCCHHA Opens Enrollment in Puerto Rico and Brazil for ULACNet-201, and an interview with Dr. Lenka Kolevic. Translations are available in Spanish and Portuguese.
Welcome to ULACNet Update, your source for programmatic and research updates for the US-Latin American-Caribbean HIV/HPV-Cancer Prevention Clinical Trials Network (ULACNet)!
ULACNet is an international collaborative research network with partner organizations in the US and Latin America and the Caribbean focused on developing evidence for human papillomavirus (HPV)-related cancer prevention in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
ULACNet clinical trials explore research questions in three key areas:
- optimizing dosing and delivery and evaluating new indications for HPV prophylactic vaccines;
- evaluating new biomarkers and technologies for improving accuracy of cervical and anogenital cancer screening and triage; and
- evaluating novel non-excisional treatments for HPV-related precancerous lesions.
Research from this network is expected to influence the development of clinical practice guidelines to improve preventive care and reduce the burden of HPV-related cancers in people living with HIV.
ULACNet Management Team, NCI Division of Cancer Prevention
Vikrant Sahasrabuddhe, M.B.B.S., M.P.H., Dr.P.H.
Vik serves as NCI Project Scientist and Director of the ULACNet Program. He is Deputy Chief and Program Director in the Breast and Gynecologic Cancer Research Group in the NCI Division of Cancer Prevention.
Silvina Frech, Ph.D, M.S.
Silvina serves as NCI Program Official of the ULACNet Program. She is Program Director in the Breast and Gynecologic Cancer Research Group in the NCI Division of Cancer Prevention.
Emma Brofsky, M.S.P.H.
Emma serves as Program Manager of the ULACNet Program. She is Scientific Program Analyst in the Breast and Gynecologic Cancer Research Group in the NCI Division of Cancer Prevention.
Margaret (Maggie) House, R.N., B.S.N.
Maggie serves as Nurse Consultant for the ULACNet Program. She is Deputy Chief and Nurse Consultant in the Prostate and Urologic Cancer Research Group in the NCI Division of Cancer Prevention.
Brandy Heckman-Stoddard, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Brandy serves as Strategic and Programmatic Advisor for the ULACNet Program. She is Chief of the Breast and Gynecologic Cancer Research Group in the NCI Division of Cancer Prevention.
ULACNet Partnership Centers
University of California San Francisco
Pls: Joel Palefsky (contact PI), Ana Ortiz, Jorge Salmeron
Partner Countries: Puerto Rico and Mexico
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Pls: Timothy Wilkin (contact PI), Anna Giuliano, Luisa Villa
Partner Countries: Puerto Rico, Mexico and Brazil
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
“Colaboración Evita”
Pls: Margaret Madeleine (contact PI), Ann Duerr, Robinson Cabello
Partner Countries: Brazil, Haiti, Peru and Dominican Republic
For more information on ULACNet, please contact ULACNet@nih.gov.
Bienvenidos a ULACNet Update, donde compartiremos actualizaciones programáticas y de investigación de la Red de Ensayos Clínicos para la Prevención del VIH y el HPV en Estados Unidos, América Latina y el Caribe (ULACNet, US-Latin American-Caribbean HIV/HPV-Cancer Prevention Clinical Trials Network).
ULACNet es una red internacional de investigación colaborativa con organizaciones asociadas en los Estados Unidos y América Latina y el Caribe que se centra en el desarrollo de evidencia para la prevención del cáncer relacionado con el virus del papiloma humano (VPH) en personas que viven con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH).
Los ensayos clínicos de la ULACNet estudian asuntos de investigación en tres áreas clave:
- optimizar la dosificación y la administración y evaluar nuevas indicaciones para las vacunas profilácticas contra el VPH;
- evaluar nuevos biomarcadores y tecnologías para mejorar la precisión del cribado y la selección del cáncer cervical y de ano; y
- evaluar nuevos tratamientos sin escisión para las lesiones precancerosas relacionadas con el VPH.
Esperamos que la investigación de esta red influya en el desarrollo de normas de prácticas clínicas para mejorar la atención preventiva y reducir la carga de los cánceres relacionados la VPH en personas que viven con VIH.
Equipo de administración de ULACNet, División de Prevención del Cáncer del NCI
Vikrant Sahasrabuddhe, M.B.B.S., M.P.H., Dr.P.H.
Vik se desempeña como científica del proyecto del NCI y directora del programa ULACNet. Es subjefe y director de programa en el Grupo de Investigación de Cáncer Ginecológico y de Seno en la División de Prevención del Cáncer del NCI.
Silvina Frech, Ph.D, M.S.
Silvina se desempeña como oficial del programa NCI del programa ULACNet. Es Directora de Programas en el Grupo de Investigación de Cáncer Ginecológico y de Seno en la División de Prevención del Cáncer del NCI.
Emma Brofsky, M.S.P.H.
Emma se desempeña como Gerente de Programa del Programa ULACNet. Es Analista de Programa Científico en el Grupo de Investigación de Cáncer de Seno y Ginecológico en la División de Prevención del Cáncer del NCI.
Margaret (Maggie) House, R.N., B.S.N.
Maggie se desempeña como consultora de enfermería para el programa ULACNet. Es jefa adjunta y consultora de enfermería en el Grupo de Investigación de Cáncer Urológico y de Próstata en la División de Prevención del Cáncer del NCI.
Brandy Heckman-Stoddard, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Brandy se desempeña como Asesor Estratégico y Programático para el Programa ULACNet. Es Jefa del Grupo de Investigación de Cáncer Ginecológico y de Seno en la División de Prevención del Cáncer del NCI.
Centros de Asociación de ULACNet
University of California San Francisco
Pls: Joel Palefsky (contact PI), Ana Ortiz, Jorge Salmeron
Páises Asociados: Puerto Rico y México
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Pls: Timothy Wilkin (contact PI), Anna Giuliano, Luisa Villa
Páises Asociados: Puerto Rico, México y Brasil
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
“Colaboración Evita”
Pls: Margaret Madeleine (contact PI), Ann Duerr, Robinson Cabello
Pays Asociados: Brasil, Haití, Perú y Dominican Repúblic
Para obtener más información sobre ULACNet, comuníquese con ULACNet@mail.nih.gov.
Bienvenue sur ULACNet Update, votre source de mises à jour programmatiques et de recherche pour le réseau d'essais cliniques de prévention du cancer VIH/HPV des États-Unis, de l'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes (ULACNet)!
ULACNet est un réseau international de recherche collaborative avec des organisations partenaires aux États-Unis, en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes, qui se concentre sur le développement de données probantes pour la prévention du cancer lié au papillomavirus humain (HPV) chez les personnes vivant avec le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH).
Les essais cliniques d'ULACNet abordent des questions de recherche dans trois domaines clés:
- l'optimisation du dosage et de l'administration et l'évaluation de nouvelles indications pour les vaccins prophylactiques contre le HPV;
- l'évaluation de nouveaux biomarqueurs et de nouvelles technologies permettant d'améliorer la précision du dépistage et du triage des cancers du col de l'utérus et de l'anogénital; et
- l'évaluation de nouveaux traitements non excisionnels pour les lésions précancéreuses liées au HPV.
Les recherches menées par ce réseau devraient influencer l'élaboration de directives de pratique clinique visant à améliorer les soins préventifs et à réduire la charge des cancers liés au HPV chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH.
Équipe de gestion de l'ULACNet, Division de la prévention du cancer du NCI
Vikrant Sahasrabuddhe, M.B.B.S., M.P.H., Dr.P.H
Vik est scientifique du projet NCI et directeur du programme ULACNet. Il est chef adjoint et directeur de programme au sein du groupe de recherche sur le cancer du sein et gynécologique de la division de la prévention du cancer du NCI.
Silvina Frech, Ph.D, M.S.
Silvina est responsable du programme NCI du programme ULACNet. Elle est directrice de programme au sein du groupe de recherche sur le cancer du sein et gynécologique de la division de la prévention du cancer du NCI.
Emma Brofsky, M.S.P.H.
Emma est gestionnaire de programme du programme ULACNet. Elle est analyste de programme scientifique au sein du groupe de recherche sur le cancer du sein et gynécologique de la division de la prévention du cancer du NCI.
Margaret (Maggie) House, R.N., B.S.N.
Maggie est infirmière consultante pour le programme ULACNet. Elle est chef adjointe et infirmière consultante du groupe de recherche sur le cancer de la prostate et de l'urologie de la division de la prévention du cancer du NCI.
Brandy Heckman-Stoddard, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Brandy est conseillère stratégique et programmatique pour le programme ULACNet. Elle est chef du groupe de recherche sur le cancer du sein et gynécologique de la Division de la prévention du cancer du NCI.
Centres de partenariat ULACNet
University of California San Francisco
Pls: Joel Palefsky (contact PI), Ana Ortiz, Jorge Salmeron
Pays Partenaires: Porto Rico et Mexique
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Pls: Timothy Wilkin (contact PI), Anna Giuliano, Luisa Villa
Pays Partenaires: Porto Rico, Mexique et Brésil
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
“Colaboración Evita”
Pls: Margaret Madeleine (contact PI), Ann Duerr, Robinson Cabello
Pays Partenaires: Brésil, Haïti, Pérou et République Dominicaine
Pour plus d'informations sur ULACNet, veuillez contacter ULACNet@mail.nih.gov.
Bem-vindo a ULACNet Update, onde compartilharemos atualizações programáticas e de pesquisa para a US-Latin American-Caribbean HIV/HPV-Cancer Prevention Clinical Trials Network (ULACNet - Rede de Pesquisa Clinicas para a Prevenção de Câncer HIV/HPV dos EUA-América Latina-Caribe)!
ULACNet é uma rede internacional de pesquisa colaborativa, com organizações parceiras nos EUA, América Latina e Caribe, focada no desenvolvimento de evidências de prevenção do câncer relacionado ao papilomavírus humano (HPV) em pessoas que vivem com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV).
Os ensaios clínicos ULACNet exploram questões de investigação em três áreas-chave:
- otimização da dosagem, do fornecimento e avaliação de novas indicações para vacinas profiláticas contra o HPV;
- avaliar novos biomarcadores e tecnologias para melhorar a precisão do rastreio e triagem dos cânceres cervical e anogenital; e
- avaliação de novos tratamentos não excisionais para lesões pré-cancerosas relacionadas com o HPV.
Esperamos que a pesquisa desta rede influencie o desenvolvimento de diretrizes de prática clínica para a melhora dos cuidados preventivos e a redução do fardo dos cânceres relacionados ao HPV em pessoas que vivem com HIV.
Equipe de gerenciamento da ULACNet, divisão de prevenção do câncer do NCI
Vikrant Sahasrabuddhe, M.B.B.S., M.P.H., Dr.P.H
Vik atua como Cientista de Projeto NCI e Diretor do Programa ULACNet. Ele é vice-chefe e diretor de programa do grupo de pesquisa sobre câncer de mama e ginecológico na divisão de prevenção do câncer do NCI.
Silvina Frech, Ph.D, M.S.
Silvina atua como Oficial do Programa NCI do Programa ULACNet. Ela é Diretora de Programa do Grupo de Pesquisa sobre Câncer Ginecológico e de Mama na Divisão de Prevenção do Câncer do NCI.
Emma Brofsky, M.S.P.H.
Emma atua como Gerente de Programa do Programa ULACNet. Ela é Analista de Programa Científico no Grupo de Pesquisa em Câncer Ginecológico e de Mama na Divisão de Prevenção do Câncer do NCI.
Margaret (Maggie) House, R.N., B.S.N.
Maggie atua como consultora de enfermagem para o programa ULACNet. Ela é vice-chefe e consultora de enfermagem no Grupo de Pesquisa de Câncer de Próstata e Urológico na Divisão de Prevenção do Câncer do NCI.
Brandy Heckman-Stoddard, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Brandy atua como Consultor Estratégico e Programático do Programa ULACNet. Ela é chefe do grupo de pesquisa sobre câncer de mama e ginecológico na divisão de prevenção do câncer do NCI.
Centros Parceiros da ULACNet
University of California San Francisco
Pls: Joel Palefsky (contact PI), Ana Ortiz, Jorge Salmeron
Países Parceiros: Porto Rico e México
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Pls: Timothy Wilkin (contact PI), Anna Giuliano, Luisa Villa
Países Parceiros: Porto Rico, México e Brasil
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
“Colaboración Evita”
Pls: Margaret Madeleine (contact PI), Ann Duerr, Robinson Cabello
Países Parceiros: Brasil, Haiti, Peru e República Dominicana
Para mais informações sobre a ULACNet, entre em contato. ULACNet@nih.gov