Clinical Trials Search

Title Intervention Sponsor Status
Increasing Patients' Engagement in Breast Cancer Surgery Decision-Making Usual Care, Web-based decision aid Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology Active, not recruiting
Methylphenidate and Exercise in Reducing Cancer-Related Fatigue in Patients With Prostate Cancer Questionnaire Administration, Quality-of-Life Assessment, Stretching, Placebo, Methylphenidate, Exercise Intervention M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Recruiting
Assessment of Current Biomarker Testing Practices for Common Solid Cancers in Precision Oncology in the Community Setting Survey Administration ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group Active, not recruiting
Patient-centered and Efficacious Advance Care Planning in Cancer: the PEACe Comparative Effectiveness Trial Facilitated advance care planning (in-person or telephonic), Web-based advance care planning University of Pittsburgh Active, not recruiting
Molecular Detection of Advanced Neoplasia in Pancreatic Cysts Pancreatic Surgery, Blood, stool, pancreatic juice and cyst fluid collection, Endoscopy Exam Mayo Clinic Recruiting
Use of a Pre-Surgical Toolkit in Improving Surgical Care and Outcomes in Older Participants With Cancer Best Practice, Informational Intervention, Informational Intervention with Coaching, Questionnaire Administration Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology Active, not recruiting
Survivorship Care Planning for Prostate Cancer Survivors Questionnaire Administration, Survivorship Care Plan (SCP), Treatment Plan NRG Oncology Active, not recruiting
Curcumin in Reducing Joint Pain in Breast Cancer Survivors With Aromatase Inhibitor-Induced Joint Disease Questionnaire, Placebo, Curcumin, Quality-of-Life Assessment, Nanoemulsion City of Hope Medical Center Active, not recruiting
Identifying Best Approach in Improving Quality of Life and Survival After a Donor Stem Cell Transplant in Older, Medically Infirm, or Frail Patients With Blood Diseases Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Best Practice, Clinical Management, Quality-of-Life Assessment, Questionnaire Administration, Supportive Palliative Care, Survey Administration Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Recruiting
TrAstuzumab Cardiomyopathy Therapeutic Intervention With Carvedilol Carvedilol Mayo Clinic Recruiting