Latest News Read All News Large-scale TMIST Breast Cancer Screening Trial Achieves Enrollment Goal The Tomosynthesis Mammographic Imaging Screening Trial (TMIST) has reached its enrollment goal of 108,508 women, as announced today by the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group (ECOG-ACRIN). The study, funded by the National… January 15 | ECOG-ACRIN Press Release Prevention and Screening Drive Drop in Cancer Deaths Over the last five decades, the number of deaths from many cancer types has dropped substantially in the U.S. A range of factors have played a role in this decrease. These include better treatments, prevention efforts such… January 14 | NIH Research Matters Vanguard Study Assays Selected, ULACNet Update, Upcoming Lectures, NOFOs and More Latest News, Upcoming Events, Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs): Cancer Risk and Prevention January 14 | DCP Updates NCI Selects Two Assays for the Vanguard Study on Multi-Cancer Detection Tests The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has selected two assays to be included in the Vanguard Study: Avantect® Multi-Cancer Detection Test by ClearNote Health and Shield™ Multi-Cancer Detection Test by Guardant Health. January 7 | DCP News Blog Posts All Blog Posts The NCI Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program – Developing Multidisciplinary Scientists and Expanding the Cancer Prevention Workforce The Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program (CPFP), NCI’s distinctive postdoctoral fellowship program that combines independent, mentored research with training in translational cancer prevention science, population health,… A Deep Dive into Awareness and Perceptions of Potential Benefits and Harms of Multi-Cancer Detection Tests Research is underway to try to address the many unanswered questions about cancer screening with multi-cancer detection (MCD) tests, a new type of blood test designed to detect multiple cancers. Targeting Prevention to Reduce the High Human Toll of Rare Cancers At the Rare Cancers Prevention and Interception workshop this year, cancer researchers from across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom and from across disciplines sought to address many of the issues that can… Research Highlights: Looking Deep into Genetic Changes that Increase Colorectal Cancer Risk to Prevent or Detect Inherited Cancers Lynch syndrome, also known as hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), is the most common inherited genetic change that increases the risk of several kinds of cancer including colorectal cancer. About 3% of all… Meetings and Events Review All Our Meetings and Events I-SCORE: Investigators' and Site Coordinators' Opportunity for Research Excellence Meeting Date(s): Thu, March 27, 2025: 8:30a.m. ET - Thu, March 27, 2025: 5:30p.m. ET Fri, March 28, 2025: 8:30a.m. ET - Fri, March 28, 2025: 1:00p.m. ET Location: Hybrid virtual and in-person DCP Updates A timely, informative email with the latest DCP research news, funding announcements and deadlines, training opportunities, and more. Videos and Webinars Cancer prevention videos and webinars related to DCP programs are listed here. Infographics Tap on the desired thumbnail below to view its larger version where you may share the infographic via Twitter and Facebook or download the image by clicking on the appropriate icon: