
Doctor viewing mammography image on screen.
This month’s Research Highlights focuses on provider and patient beliefs about mammogram screening frequency, and separately, provider barriers to engaging in shared decision-making with high-risk patients about the use of chemoprevention to reduce breast cancer risk. Both studies discuss the value… Learn more
POSTED: 11/28/2022
The National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Prevention has released three Funding Opportunity Announcements to accept applications to create the Cancer Screening Research Network (CSRN).  The CSRN will conduct rigorous, multi-center cancer… Learn more
POSTED: 11/21/2022
An infographic detailing CASCADE cervical cancer prevention.
Cervical cancer can be prevented by HPV vaccination and by screening for and treating precancerous lesions. Yet, millions of women globally remain at high-risk for developing cervical cancer. This is especially true for… Learn more
POSTED: 11/14/2022
AUTHOR: Vikrant Sahasrabuddhe, M.B.B.S., M.P.H., Dr.P.H.
Image of breast cancer tumor in microenvironment.
This issue of Research Highlights focuses on how cells progress to become breast cancer, and separately, how breast cancer may spread. Understanding these transitional moments can help researchers keep invasive cancer from forming, and help us keep invasive cancer from spreading. One study is about… Learn more
POSTED: 10/24/2022
Screen capture of the CP-CTNet September 2022 Newsletter
Featured Article: CP-CTNet Cross Network Study: Lynch Syndrome.  Inherited susceptibility to cancer involves defects in genes that normally function to suppress the formation of tumors. One such syndrome was recognized by Henry Lynch several decades ago based on clinical criteria, but is… Learn more
POSTED: 9/30/2022
A woman wearing headphones taking a hearing test.
More than half of cancer survivors who were treated with chemotherapy for the four most common types of cancer experienced clinically significant hearing loss and tinnitus after treatment, according to new research. Christine Miaskowski, RN, Ph.D. The… Learn more
POSTED: 9/27/2022
AUTHOR: Susan Jenks
As we embark on year 4 of ULACNet, this issue highlights successes & opportunities, considers how we respond to the community voice in study recruitment, discusses community participation in ULACNet-201 trial recruitment… Learn more
POSTED: 9/23/2022
An image of lab technician placing a test tube in a rack.
Recruitment has begun for a clinical study that investigators hope will move “liquid biopsy” technology closer to its still-distant goal: a single blood test for the early detection of cancer. Collectively known as multi-cancer early detection (MCED) assays or sometimes multi-cancer detection… Learn more
POSTED: 9/15/2022
AUTHOR: Susan Jenks
An image of various cruciferous vegetables.
Research Highlights are a new type of blog for Cancer Prevention Science, where recent publications are highlighted rather than a traditional news story. This month’s blog post highlights how a cruciferous vegetable extract reduces toxins from tobacco and reports the effects of Polyphenon E in… Learn more
POSTED: 8/24/2022
Cover image of Cancer Care for The Whole Patient report.
In 2012, Patricia Ganz, M.D., saw a 39-year-old cancer survivor for a consultation who had a long-term history of anxiety during medical visits. Patricia Ganz, M.D. The woman had been diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma when she was 23 years old. Though her… Learn more
POSTED: 8/10/2022
AUTHOR: Jack J. Lee, Ph.D.
Cover of the July 2022 issue of the CP-CTNet Newsletter
Welcome to the CP-CTNet Newsletter where we share programmatic and research updates for the Cancer Prevention Clinical Trials Network (CP-CTNet).
POSTED: 7/22/2022
An example of a nonendometrioid cancer.
Unlike many other cancers, the incidence and death rates for uterine cancer are rising. An example of a nonendometrioid cancer. Credit: Marina J. Merino, M.D. National Cancer Institute at NIH Rates of new uterine cancer cases have risen 0.6% per year… Learn more
POSTED: 6/28/2022
AUTHOR: Jack J. Lee, Ph.D.
A gloved hand lifting a test tube of a blood sample from a rack.
National Cancer Institute prevention chief discusses steps toward largest U.S. cancer screening trial ever
POSTED: 6/22/2022
Key Messages Although aspirin use has been studied for decades, there are still many gaps in our understanding its role in cancer prevention. Risk-benefit analyses should be conducted to ensure that the right patients are receiving aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)… Learn more
POSTED: 6/15/2022
Established Risk Factors for Developing Female Breast Cancer
In the era of personalized medicine, prevention and screening for breast cancer are evolving toward new approaches that assess each woman’s risk and lifestyle factors. All women do not carry the same risk for the same type of breast cancer. The old one-size-fits-all screening method can miss the… Learn more
POSTED: 5/6/2022
In this issue, we feature: ULACNet Initiative to Enhance Community Dialogue, Community outreach strategies for recruitment in ULACNet-101 in Puerto Rico, Accrual initiated in Peru for ULACNet-301, an Investigator Spotlight… Learn more
POSTED: 4/28/2022
Illustration of biomarkers that are released by cancer cells or induced by their presence.
One of the exciting areas of cancer prevention research is the development of noninvasive tests that may have the potential to easily and accurately determine whether and where in the body a person has early-stage cancer. And not just for a single cancer but for many cancers. Over… Learn more
POSTED: 4/21/2022
Precision cancer screening and prevention strategies: population risk, biological risk, modality, delivery
Overall, cancer death rates in the United States have been declining about 2% per year, current SEER data from 2014 through 2018 show. However, these improvements have not been experienced equally by everyone, which is one of the reasons that April is Minority Cancer Awareness Month, when we call… Learn more
POSTED: 4/18/2022
AUTHOR: Jack J. Lee, Ph.D.
Joyce Ares had just turned 74 and was feeling fine when she agreed to give a blood sample for research. So she was surprised when the screening test came back positive for signs of cancer. After a repeat blood test, a PET scan and a needle biopsy, she was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma. A… Learn more
POSTED: 4/11/2022
AACR Annual Meeting 2022
April 8-13, 2022 DCP/PREVENT-funded Project Presentations Session OPO.IM01.01 - Tumor Immunobiology 5631 - Immunomodulatory activity of sulindac plus erlotinib for colon cancer prevention in familial adenomatous polyposis Presenter/Authors Chakrapani Tripathi, Roderick H. Dashwood. Texas A&M… Learn more
POSTED: 4/1/2022
Screen capture of the cover of CP-CTNet March 2022 Newsletter.
Welcome to the CP-CTNet Newsletter where we share programmatic and research updates for the Cancer Prevention Clinical Trials Network (CP-CTNet).
POSTED: 3/31/2022
A group of women from diverse backgrounds.
Philadelphia, March 25, 2022 — The Tomosynthesis Mammographic Imaging Screening Trial (TMIST), is more than halfway to its recruiting goal of 128,905 participants with more than 20% of participants in the United States being Black. Recruitment of women from diverse backgrounds is vital to… Learn more
POSTED: 3/25/2022
An image of foods high in calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin D receptors.
This issue of Nutrition Frontiers showcases gut permeability with calcium and/or vitamin D3, microRNAs role in suppressing colitis and inflammation-associated colon cancer, and how dietary spinach reshapes gut microbiome.… Learn more
POSTED: 3/18/2022
An illustration displaying signal amplification.
Tumor cells release telltale molecules into blood, urine, and other bodily fluids. But it can be difficult to detect tumor-derived DNA, RNA, and proteins in the earliest stages of disease, when cancers can be easier to treat and cure. Earlier stages shed fewer cancer cells—and fewer tumor markers… Learn more
POSTED: 2/9/2022
AUTHOR: Jack J. Lee, Ph.D.
Illustration showing progression from normal liver to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
While new cases of most cancer types have dropped over the past decade, cases of the most common type of liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), are on the rise. Until recently, the main cause of HCC was hepatitis C virus infection. Although hepatitis C infection still causes many… Learn more
POSTED: 2/4/2022