
An image of a prescription bottle encircled with a reusable symbol.
Two recent publications focus on widely used treatments for other diseases to evaluate possible roles in the prevention of cancer. One looked at the potential of statins, a common heart disease drug, to prevent gynecologic… Learn more
POSTED: 9/11/2023
On May 1-2, 2023, approximately 70 experts from academia, government, industry, and professional organizations globally met with the goal of developing a contemporary working definition or framework for the term ‘precancer… Learn more
POSTED: 9/5/2023
New Funding Opportunity: NCI Worta McCaskill-Stevens Career Development Award for Community Oncology and Prevention Research
National Cancer Institute (NCI) Director Monica Bertagnolli, M.D., today announced the creation of the NCI Worta McCaskill-Stevens Career Development Award for Community Oncology and Prevention Research (K12). This training… Learn more
POSTED: 8/24/2023
David S. Alberts, M.D.
David S. Alberts, M.D., a former director of the University of Arizona Cancer Center, died in late July. As a scientist who was an early and unending advocate for cancer prevention medicine, he will always have the deep gratitude of the National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP… Learn more
POSTED: 8/21/2023
Division of Cancer Prevention National Cancer Institute National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human Services The NCI is seeking an innovative and energetic leader to serve as its Chief, Chemopreventive Agent Development Research Group (CADRG) for the Division of Cancer Prevention… Learn more
POSTED: 8/21/2023
Two outstretched arms holding a heart shaped object in hand.
Cardio-oncology research looks at cancer treatment-related cardiotoxicity, or damage to the heart and cardiovascular system (including heart valves and vessels) that can occur during or after cancer treatment. Over the last… Learn more
POSTED: 8/8/2023
Vikrant Sahasrabuddhe, M.B.B.S, Dr.P.H. presents a Cancer Healthcast.
The National Cancer Institute’s Last Mile initiative is exploring new ways at getting screening tests for cervical cancer into more hands. Women who die from cervical cancer often have had limited or no access to screenings… Learn more
POSTED: 7/31/2023
A patient receiving a vaccination shot in the arm.
After receiving an initial single dose of the HPV vaccine Gardasil 9, children aged 9 to 11 had high levels of two key antibodies that protect against HPV infections and cancer for up to 2 years before receiving their… Learn more
POSTED: 7/18/2023
AUTHOR: Linda Wang
Partial shot of the ULACNet and ‘CASCADE’ network colleagues at the IPVC ‘Meet and Greet’
In this issue, we present: IPVC Round Up, Women Living with HIV, ULACNet-301 opens in Brazil, ULACNet-202 Site Initiation Visits (SIVs) in Brazil & Mexico, and Training healthcare professionals caring for persons living… Learn more
POSTED: 7/13/2023
Cover of the July 2023 CP-CTNet Newsletter
UWI20-00-01 Participant Highlight, Happy Belated Clinical Trials Day, May 20, 2023, DMACC Updates, Research Funding Opportunities, Active and DCP-Approved Studies, Upcoming Events.
POSTED: 7/6/2023
Sings Common in People who Develop Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer
New cases of colorectal cancer in people under the age of 50 have been rising at an alarming rate over the past several decades. But younger adults aren’t routinely screened for colorectal cancer because the disease is still… Learn more
POSTED: 6/15/2023
A medical provider checking in with a patient.
Results from two NCI-supported studies relating to symptom management were among the significant findings presented at the June 2023 ASCO meeting. The findings, which both incorporated data from patient-reported outcomes (… Learn more
POSTED: 6/13/2023
A 3D rendering of the human gastrointestinal tract.
An estimated 153,020 men and women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2023, and 52,550 are expected to die of this disease. In two recent studies, researchers addressed the impact of overweight, obesity… Learn more
POSTED: 6/5/2023
Dr. Lori Minasian, Deputy Director, NCI DCP presents a Cancer HealthCast podcast
Dr. Lori Minasian, deputy director for the Division of Cancer Prevention at NCI, explains the promise of multi-cancer detection tests as a tool for screening for multiple cancers.
POSTED: 5/30/2023
A pregnant woman gettign an ultrasound.
A blood test that may detect cancer has received attention recently. But, unlike other blood tests being studied to screen for cancer, it wasn’t designed for that purpose. This test is a prenatal blood test that analyzes… Learn more
POSTED: 5/17/2023
Aldred Scott Warthin, M.D., Ph.D.
More than a century after Aldred Scott Warthin, M.D., Ph.D., a pathologist at the University of Michigan, first suspected heredity lay behind one family’s numerous cancers, scientists have begun testing two experimental… Learn more
POSTED: 5/11/2023
An illustration depicting a human liver.
Despite intense research, liver cancer prevention remains a challenge. Current efforts are directed at underlying conditions that can significantly raise an individual’s risk, including hepatitis C infection, for which… Learn more
POSTED: 5/4/2023
AUTHOR: Susan Jenks
AACR Annual Meeting 2023
Eleven DCP/PREVENT presentations were delivered at the 2023 AACR Annual meeting, including: five poster sessions, one informational session with four staff from the NCI Division of Cancer Prevention, and two staff sessions… Learn more
POSTED: 4/28/2023
Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer: Changes in Bowel Habits, Blood or Changes in Stool, Pain and Bloating, Weight Loss
Early-onset colorectal cancer is considered relatively rare, but both incidence and mortality rates are increasing in people under age 50. NCI recently issued a special research request for grant applications in areas such… Learn more
POSTED: 3/22/2023
AUTHOR: Susan Jenks
The executive summary of the second PARTNRS (Primary Care Alliance in Research Trials Involving NCORP Sites) Workshop is now available. PARTNRS is a strategic initiative to encourage and forge partnerships between oncologists and primary care providers to promote patient accrual into cancer… Learn more
POSTED: 3/13/2023
Researchers have recruited the first vaccine candidates to one of two new prevention trials that seek to immunize high-risk individuals against cancers associated with Lynch syndrome, the most common cause of hereditary colorectal cancer. Individuals who inherit the condition have an estimated… Learn more
POSTED: 2/8/2023
AUTHOR: Susan Jenks
We present ULACNet-302 Estudio Oportunidad: An opportunity to improve the health of women living with HIV, Recruitment strategies for the ULACNet 201 study in Puerto Rico, and Use of a mobile application as a strategy to… Learn more
POSTED: 1/30/2023
NCI funding graphic for CIN
The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI’s) Board of Scientific Advisors (BSA) recently approved two new concept proposals aimed at expanding potential prevention interventions.
POSTED: 1/10/2023
Cover of the Jounal of the National Cancer Institute Monograph, 2022, Number 60..
  A JNCI monograph on Engaging Older Adults in Cancer Clinical Trials Conducted in the National Cancer Institute Clinical Trials Network is available now. The articles, developed through working groups formed for an NCI workshop held in April… Learn more
POSTED: 12/21/2022
Cover of the December 2022 CP-CTNet Newsletter
Staff Highlight, DMACC Updates (Data Management and Reporting Unit, CP-CTNET DMACC Public Website and Portal Gateway Update, Clinical Trials Auditing Unit, Administrative and Coordinating Unit), In Memoriam, and Research Funding Opportunities
POSTED: 12/16/2022