
Aldred Scott Warthin, M.D., Ph.D.
More than a century after Aldred Scott Warthin, M.D., Ph.D., a pathologist at the University of Michigan, first suspected heredity lay behind one family’s numerous cancers, scientists have begun testing two experimental… Learn more
POSTED: 5/11/2023
An illustration depicting a human liver.
Despite intense research, liver cancer prevention remains a challenge. Current efforts are directed at underlying conditions that can significantly raise an individual’s risk, including hepatitis C infection, for which… Learn more
POSTED: 5/4/2023
AUTHOR: Susan Jenks
AACR Annual Meeting 2023
Eleven DCP/PREVENT presentations were delivered at the 2023 AACR Annual meeting, including: five poster sessions, one informational session with four staff from the NCI Division of Cancer Prevention, and two staff sessions… Learn more
POSTED: 4/28/2023
Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer: Changes in Bowel Habits, Blood or Changes in Stool, Pain and Bloating, Weight Loss
Early-onset colorectal cancer is considered relatively rare, but both incidence and mortality rates are increasing in people under age 50. NCI recently issued a special research request for grant applications in areas such… Learn more
POSTED: 3/22/2023
AUTHOR: Susan Jenks
The executive summary of the second PARTNRS (Primary Care Alliance in Research Trials Involving NCORP Sites) Workshop is now available. PARTNRS is a strategic initiative to encourage and forge partnerships between oncologists and primary care providers to promote patient accrual into cancer… Learn more
POSTED: 3/13/2023
Researchers have recruited the first vaccine candidates to one of two new prevention trials that seek to immunize high-risk individuals against cancers associated with Lynch syndrome, the most common cause of hereditary colorectal cancer. Individuals who inherit the condition have an estimated… Learn more
POSTED: 2/8/2023
AUTHOR: Susan Jenks
We present ULACNet-302 Estudio Oportunidad: An opportunity to improve the health of women living with HIV, Recruitment strategies for the ULACNet 201 study in Puerto Rico, and Use of a mobile application as a strategy to… Learn more
POSTED: 1/30/2023
NCI funding graphic for CIN
The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI’s) Board of Scientific Advisors (BSA) recently approved two new concept proposals aimed at expanding potential prevention interventions.
POSTED: 1/10/2023