
NCI 50 years graphic
For centuries, visionary physicians have stressed preventing disease as the best option. I frequently say that the “best” cancer is the cancer that never happens. Today, we turn our attentions to the scientists who made stride after stride during the last 50 years to shape cancer prevention… Learn more
POSTED: 3/1/2021
AUTHOR: Philip E. Castle, Ph.D., M.P.H.
During chemotherapy for an advanced blood cancer, Stacey Blansky vaped marijuana daily for her nausea and used cannabis oil for anxiety and stress. The decision to add these complex, plant-derived substances to ease her treatment’s side effects came after doing her own research on possible… Learn more
POSTED: 2/24/2021
Up close view of Aspirin tablets.
Millions of older Americans take aspirin daily to reduce their risk for heart disease and colorectal cancer. But, new data suggests this protective edge for colorectal cancer comes only if they begin taking aspirin before age 70. In a pooled analysis of… Learn more
POSTED: 2/11/2021
AUTHOR: Susan Jenks
Screen grab of the virtual meeting with the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden.
Dr. Jill Biden, Ed.D., First Lady of the United States, joined NCI leaders and staff for a special virtual event marking World Cancer Day, February 4. Among the progress highlighted was the work of the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) in bringing clinical trials to diverse… Learn more
POSTED: 2/4/2021
A meeting of 4 medical professional around a table.
The executive summary is available of an inaugural workshop to encourage and forge partnerships between oncologists, primary care providers and medical specialists to promote accrual to clinical cancer control and prevention trials conducted by the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP).
POSTED: 2/4/2021
A bottle of Naproxen placed atop a table with some tablets displayed.
An over-the-counter drug, readily available to consumers for years, may open a new option for preventing colorectal cancer in high-risk individuals. It's not the mouse that roared but the quiet mouse behind the scenes that inspired researchers to look at the anti-inflammatory drug, naproxen, said… Learn more
POSTED: 2/3/2021
AUTHOR: Susan Jenks