The Division of Cancer Prevention supports major scientific collaborations, research networks, investigator-initiated grants, postdoctoral training, and specialized resources across the United States. Alliance of Glycobiologists for Cancer Research Tumor Glycomics Laboratories work to reveal cancer-related dynamics of complex carbohydrates. Cancer Immunoprevention Network (CIP-Net) This program supports research projects focused on discovery of novel immunoprevention pathways and immune targets. Cancer Prevention Clinical Trials Network (CP-CTNet) Research Centers develop and conduct early phase clinical trials to assess the preventive potential of agents and interventions of varying classes. Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program (CPFP) Advanced training for fellows provides a strong foundation in the field of cancer prevention and control to scientists and clinicians from varied health disciplines. Cancer Prevention-Interception Targeted Agent Discovery Program (CAP-IT) A collaborative research network with the overarching goal of discovering molecularly or immunologically targeted agents designed to prevent or intercept the oncogenic process in higher-risk populations. Cancer Screening Research Network (CSRN) As a central component of the Cancer Moonshotsm, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is starting a new Cancer Screening Research Network (CSRN) in January 2024 that will conduct trials and studies to systematically evaluate promising and emerging technologies for the purpose of cancer screening. Cancer Treatment Tolerability Consortium A consortium of multi-disciplinary teams that is developing new methods for analyzing patient-reported outcomes in the setting of cancer clinical trials. Consortium for Imaging and Biomarkers (CIB) Research Units integrate imaging strategies with biomarkers to improve cancer screening, early detection of aggressive cancer, assessment of cancer risk, and diagnosis of early stage cancer. Discovery and Development of Natural Products for Cancer Interception and Prevention (DDNP-CIP) This supports the discovery and development of novel natural products that are safe, non-toxic, and efficacious for cancer interception and prevention Early Detection Research Network (EDRN) Labs and centers bring together comprehensive infrastructure and resources critical to discovery, development and validation of biomarkers for cancer risk and early detection. HIV/Cervical Cancer Prevention ‘CASCADE’ Clinical Trials Network Seeks to conduct pragmatic clinical trials evaluating the effectiveness of clinically proven interventions to optimize the cervical cancer screening, management, and precancer treatment cascade for WLWH. Liquid Biopsy Consortium A partnership with academic and industrial laboratory teams developing noninvasive liquid biopsy techniques to detect early stage cancer from biomarkers in blood, urine and sputum. Lung Cancer Screening Image Library NCI is creating a Lung Image Library for use by Artificial Intelligence researchers to improve lung cancer screening. NCI Cervical Cancer ‘Last Mile’ Initiative A public private partnership between several stakeholders to validate self-collection as a comparable (non-inferior) alternative to provider-collected sampling for HPV testing in cervical cancer screening. NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) A clinical trials network of cancer professionals brings research to diverse populations across the country in the communities where most patients live. Pancreatic Cancer Detection Consortium (PCDC) Research teams develop and test new molecular and imaging biomarkers to detect early stage pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and its precursor lesions. Pre-Cancer Atlas (PCA) The Pre-cancer Atlas (PCA) Research Centers are one of the three scientific components of the Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN). HTAN is a collaborative research initiative for constructing 3-dimensional (3-D) and dynamic atlases of the cellular, morphological, molecular, and… PREVENT Cancer Preclinical Drug Development Program (PREVENT) The peer-reviewed research pipeline supports new prevention interventions and biomarkers headed toward clinical trials. Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial (PLCO) A large randomized trial designed to determine the effects of screening on cancer-related mortality and secondary endpoints in people aged 55 to 74. Researchers can request valuable PLCO data and biospecimens. Supportive Care and Symptom Management Clinical trials and grant-funded projects examine symptoms and morbidities related to cancer and its treatment, with a focus on interventions to improve quality of life. Translational and Basic Science Research in Early Lesions (TBEL) Program A collaborative research network that aims to further understand the biological and pathophysiological mechanisms and to facilitate biology-backed precision prevention approaches. Translational Liver Cancer (TLC) Consortium Five Translational Research Centers conduct studies to improve surveillance of liver cancer in high-risk populations, increase detectability at early stages, and stratify at-risk patients. US-Latin American-Caribbean HIV/HPV-Cancer Prevention Clinical Trials Network (ULACNet) Partnership Centers will focus on improving prevention of human papillomavirus (HPV)-related cancers in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals.