Program Official

Principal Investigator

Eric L
Awardee Organization

Vanderbilt University Medical Center
United States

Fiscal Year
Activity Code
Early Stage Investigator Grants (ESI)
Not Applicable
Project End Date

Clinical Utility of a Combined Biomarker Approach to Diagnose Lung Cancer

Lung cancer remains the number one cancer killer in the United States and clinically useful biomarkers are needed to improve early detection and diagnosis. The objectives of this proposal for our continuing Clinical Validation Center are to push early lung cancer detection biomarkers into clinical practice while continuing to serve as a core resource to the EDRN, as well as to our academic and industry partners. Our overall objective is to demonstrate that biospecimen and imaging biomarkers will provide clinical utility to diagnose lung cancer by reducing the number of invasive procedures performed for benign disease and the time to diagnosis for cancer. Aim 1 will seek to demonstrate clinical utility of a combined biomarker and radiomic approach for providing Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodule (IPN) diagnoses. We will expand the existing lung specimen and imaging biorepository available to the scientific community, demonstrate the clinical utility of combination biospecimen and radiomic biomarkers, and validate additional candidate lung cancer risk biomarkers. We will diversify the population and enhance statistical power by recruiting from existing partnerships funded by prior EDRN funding: Meharry Medical College and Washington University in St. Louis. We seek to accomplish three objectives in this aim: 1) to validate the combined approach of hsCYFRA 21-1 cancer biomarker, radiomic (HealthMyne) biomarker and a Histoplasmosis benign biomarker (MiraVista) in the EDRN Lung Team Project 2 and National Lung Screening Trial reference cohorts, 2) to determine the clinical utility of the Histoplasmosis test followed by a Combined Biomarker Model (hsCYFRA21-1, radiomics, and Mayo Model) in a Phase 4 randomized clinical trial and 3) to validate new candidate blood and epithelial biomarkers in Phase 2 and 3 prospectivespecimen-collection and retrospective-blinded-evaluation (PRoBE) design studies for the early diagnosis of lung cancer. In Aim 2 we will validate radiomic risk assessment platforms in IPNs and conduct a pilot clinical implementation trial in screening discovered IPNs. We will leverage the robust bioinformatics infrastructure at Vanderbilt University Medical Center to capture and deidentify 800 thoracic CT scans in patients with IPNs. A Lung Cancer Prediction Convolutional Neural Network (LCP-CNN) and the HealthMyne radiomic model will be compared to each other and against the Lung-RADS categories. We will perform a prospective pilot evaluation of the best performing model in Lung-RADS category 3 and 4 IPNs. To accomplish Aim 2 we will: 1) compare the accuracy of LCP-CNN and HealthMyne radiomics 2) determine the LCP-CCN's ability to reclassify nodules in screening patients in a prospective clinical implementation pilot study. At the completion of this proposal, we will have 1) evaluated clinical utility of combining lung cancer biospecimen and imaging biomarkers, 2) developed a platform within current practice to present an imaging biomarker approach to improve IPN risk assessment, and 3) enhanced the biorepository resource for the EDRN and collaborative use.


  • Maldonado F, Varghese C, Rajagopalan S, Duan F, Balar AB, Lakhani DA, Antic SL, Massion PP, Johnson TF, Karwoski RA, Robb RA, Bartholmai BJ, Peikert T. Validation of the BRODERS classifier (Benign versus aggRessive nODule Evaluation using Radiomic Stratification), a novel HRCT-based radiomic classifier for indeterminate pulmonary nodules. The European respiratory journal. 2021 Apr 1;57. (4). Print 2021 Apr. PMID: 33303552
  • Maiga AW, Deppen SA, Massion PP, Callaway-Lane C, Pinkerman R, Dittus RS, Lambright ES, Nesbitt JC, Grogan EL. Communication About the Probability of Cancer in Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodules. JAMA surgery. 2018 Apr 1;153(4):353-357. PMID: 29261826
  • Krishnan AR, Xu K, Li T, Gao C, Remedios LW, Kanakaraj P, Lee HH, Bao S, Sandler KL, Maldonado F, Išgum I, Landman BA. Inter-vendor harmonization of CT reconstruction kernels using unpaired image translation. Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2024 Feb;12926. Epub 2024 Apr 2. PMID: 39268356
  • Shipe ME, Deppen SA, Sullivan S, Kammer M, Starnes SL, Wilson DO, Massion PP, Grogan EL. Validation of Histoplasmosis Enzyme Immunoassay to Evaluate Suspicious Lung Nodules. The Annals of thoracic surgery. 2021 Feb;111(2):416-420. Epub 2020 Jul 16. PMID: 32682756
  • Xu K, Khan MS, Li T, Gao R, Antic SL, Huo Y, Sandler KL, Maldonado F, Landman BA. Stratification of Lung Cancer Risk with Thoracic Imaging Phenotypes. Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2023 Feb;12464. Epub 2023 Apr 11. PMID: 37465098
  • Ajona D, Okrój M, Pajares MJ, Agorreta J, Lozano MD, Zulueta JJ, Verri C, Roz L, Sozzi G, Pastorino U, Massion PP, Montuenga LM, Blom AM, Pio R. Complement C4d-specific antibodies for the diagnosis of lung cancer. Oncotarget. 2017 Dec 26;9(5):6346-6355. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.23690. eCollection 2018 Jan 19. PMID: 29464077
  • Paez R, Rowe DJ, Deppen SA, Grogan EL, Kaizer A, Bornhop DJ, Kussrow AK, Barón AE, Maldonado F, Kammer MN. Assessing the clinical utility of biomarkers using the intervention probability curve (IPC). Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers. 2023 Oct 28. Epub 2023 Oct 28. PMID: 38073376
  • Richmond BW, Brucker RM, Han W, Du RH, Zhang Y, Cheng DS, Gleaves L, Abdolrasulnia R, Polosukhina D, Clark PE, Bordenstein SR, Blackwell TS, Polosukhin VV. Airway bacteria drive a progressive COPD-like phenotype in mice with polymeric immunoglobulin receptor deficiency. Nature communications. 2016 Apr 5;7:11240. PMID: 27046438
  • Jones CC, Mercaldo SF, Blume JD, Wenzlaff AS, Schwartz AG, Chen H, Deppen SA, Bush WS, Crawford DC, Chanock SJ, Blot WJ, Grogan EL, Aldrich MC. Racial Disparities in Lung Cancer Survival: The Contribution of Stage, Treatment, and Ancestry. Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. 2018 Oct;13(10):1464-1473. Epub 2018 Jun 6. PMID: 29885480
  • Arimura K, Kammer M, Rahman SMJ, Sheau-Chiann C, Zhao S, Heidi C, Eisenberg R, Zou Y, Antic S, Richmond B, Tagaya E, Grogan E, Massion P, Maldonado F. Elucidating the role of EPPK1 in lung adenocarcinoma development. BMC cancer. 2024 Apr 10;24(1):441. PMID: 38594604
  • Li Y, Xiao X, Han Y, Gorlova O, Qian D, Leighl N, Johansen JS, Barnett M, Chen C, Goodman G, Cox A, Taylor F, Woll P, Wichmann HE, Manz J, Muley T, Risch A, Rosenberger A, Arnold SM, Haura EB, Bolca C, Holcatova I, Janout V, Kontic M, Lissowska J, Mukeria A, Ognjanovic S, Orlowski TM, Scelo G, Swiatkowska B, Zaridze D, Bakke P, Skaug V, Zienolddiny S, Duell EJ, Butler LM, Houlston R, Soler Artigas M, Grankvist K, Johansson M, Shepherd FA, Marcus MW, Brunnström H, Manjer J, Melander O, Muller DC, Overvad K, Trichopoulou A, Tumino R, Liu G, Bojesen SE, Wu X, Marchand LL, Albanes D, Bickeböller H, Aldrich MC, Bush WS, Tardon A, Rennert G, Teare MD, Field JK, Kiemeney LA, Lazarus P, Haugen A, Lam S, Schabath MB, Andrew AS, Bertazzi PA, Pesatori AC, Christiani DC, Caporaso N, Johansson M, McKay JD, Brennan P, Hung RJ, Amos CI. Genome-wide interaction study of smoking behavior and non-small cell lung cancer risk in Caucasian population. Carcinogenesis. 2018 Mar 8;39(3):336-346. PMID: 29059373
  • Newman AM, Lovejoy AF, Klass DM, Kurtz DM, Chabon JJ, Scherer F, Stehr H, Liu CL, Bratman SV, Say C, Zhou L, Carter JN, West RB, Sledge GW, Shrager JB, Loo BW Jr, Neal JW, Wakelee HA, Diehn M, Alizadeh AA. Integrated digital error suppression for improved detection of circulating tumor DNA. Nature biotechnology. 2016 May;34(5):547-555. Epub 2016 Mar 28. PMID: 27018799
  • Xu K, Gao R, Khan MS, Bao S, Tang Y, Deppen SA, Huo Y, Sandler KL, Massion PP, Heinrich MP, Landman BA. Development and Characterization of a Chest CT Atlas. Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2021;2021. Epub 2021 Feb 15. PMID: 34531633
  • Schabath MB, Massion PP, Thompson ZJ, Eschrich SA, Balagurunathan Y, Goldof D, Aberle DR, Gillies RJ. Differences in Patient Outcomes of Prevalence, Interval, and Screen-Detected Lung Cancers in the CT Arm of the National Lung Screening Trial. PloS one. 2016 Aug 10;11(8):e0159880. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159880. eCollection 2016. PMID: 27509046
  • Du RH, Richmond BW, Blackwell TS Jr, Cates JM, Massion PP, Ware LB, Lee JW, Kononov AV, Lawson WE, Blackwell TS, Polosukhin VV. Secretory IgA from submucosal glands does not compensate for its airway surface deficiency in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology. 2015 Dec;467(6):657-665. Epub 2015 Oct 2. PMID: 26432569
  • Olmsted IR, Hassanein M, Kussrow A, Hoeksema M, Li M, Massion PP, Bornhop DJ. Toward rapid, high-sensitivity, volume-constrained biomarker quantification and validation using backscattering interferometry. Analytical chemistry. 2014 Aug 5;86(15):7566-74. Epub 2014 Jul 7. PMID: 24954171
  • Seijo LM, Peled N, Ajona D, Boeri M, Field JK, Sozzi G, Pio R, Zulueta JJ, Spira A, Massion PP, Mazzone PJ, Montuenga LM. Biomarkers in Lung Cancer Screening: Achievements, Promises, and Challenges. Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. 2019 Mar;14(3):343-357. Epub 2018 Dec 4. PMID: 30529598
  • Codreanu SG, Hoeksema MD, Slebos RJC, Zimmerman LJ, Rahman SMJ, Li M, Chen SC, Chen H, Eisenberg R, Liebler DC, Massion PP. Identification of Proteomic Features To Distinguish Benign Pulmonary Nodules from Lung Adenocarcinoma. Journal of proteome research. 2017 Sep 1;16(9):3266-3276. Epub 2017 Aug 8. PMID: 28731711
  • Heideman BE, Kammer MN, Paez R, Swanson T, Godfrey CM, Low SW, Xiao D, Li TZ, Richardson JR, Knight MA, Shojaee S, Deppen SA, Lentz RJ, Grogan EL, Maldonado F. The Lung Cancer Prediction Model "Stress Test": Assessment of Models' Performance in a High-Risk Prospective Pulmonary Nodule Cohort. CHEST pulmonary. 2024 Mar;2. (1). Epub 2023 Dec 26. PMID: 38737731
  • Kammer MN, Rowe DJ, Deppen SA, Grogan EL, Kaizer AM, Barón AE, Maldonado F. The Intervention Probability Curve: Modeling the Practical Application of Threshold-Guided Decision-Making, Evaluated in Lung, Prostate, and Ovarian Cancers. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology. 2022 Sep 2;31(9):1752-1759. PMID: 35732292
  • Pedchenko T, Mernaugh R, Parekh D, Li M, Massion PP. Early detection of NSCLC with scFv selected against IgM autoantibody. PloS one. 2013 Apr 9;8(4):e60934. Print 2013. PMID: 23585862
  • Xu K, Khan MS, Li TZ, Gao R, Terry JG, Huo Y, Lasko TA, Carr JJ, Maldonado F, Landman BA, Sandler KL. AI Body Composition in Lung Cancer Screening: Added Value Beyond Lung Cancer Detection. Radiology. 2023 Jul;308(1):e222937. PMID: 37489991
  • Massion PP, Antic S, Ather S, Arteta C, Brabec J, Chen H, Declerck J, Dufek D, Hickes W, Kadir T, Kunst J, Landman BA, Munden RF, Novotny P, Peschl H, Pickup LC, Santos C, Smith GT, Talwar A, Gleeson F. Assessing the Accuracy of a Deep Learning Method to Risk Stratify Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodules. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2020 Jul 15;202(2):241-249. PMID: 32326730
  • Marmor HN, Jackson L, Gawel S, Kammer M, Massion PP, Grogan EL, Davis GJ, Deppen SA. Improving malignancy risk prediction of indeterminate pulmonary nodules with imaging features and biomarkers. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry. 2022 Sep 1;534:106-114. Epub 2022 Jul 20. PMID: 35870539
  • Hawkins S, Wang H, Liu Y, Garcia A, Stringfield O, Krewer H, Li Q, Cherezov D, Gatenby RA, Balagurunathan Y, Goldgof D, Schabath MB, Hall L, Gillies RJ. Predicting Malignant Nodules from Screening CT Scans. Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. 2016 Dec;11(12):2120-2128. Epub 2016 Jul 13. PMID: 27422797
  • Vachani A, Pass HI, Rom WN, Midthun DE, Edell ES, Laviolette M, Li XJ, Fong PY, Hunsucker SW, Hayward C, Mazzone PJ, Madtes DK, Miller YE, Walker MG, Shi J, Kearney P, Fang KC, Massion PP. Validation of a multiprotein plasma classifier to identify benign lung nodules. Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. 2015 Apr;10(4):629-37. PMID: 25590604
  • Gao R, Li T, Tang Y, Xu K, Khan M, Kammer M, Antic SL, Deppen S, Huo Y, Lasko TA, Sandler KL, Maldonado F, Landman BA. Reducing uncertainty in cancer risk estimation for patients with indeterminate pulmonary nodules using an integrated deep learning model. Computers in biology and medicine. 2022 Nov;150:106113. Epub 2022 Sep 29. PMID: 36198225
  • Nakajima EC, Frankland MP, Johnson TF, Antic SL, Chen H, Chen SC, Karwoski RA, Walker R, Landman BA, Clay RD, Bartholmai BJ, Rajagopalan S, Peikert T, Massion PP, Maldonado F. Assessing the inter-observer variability of Computer-Aided Nodule Assessment and Risk Yield (CANARY) to characterize lung adenocarcinomas. PloS one. 2018 Jun 1;13(6):e0198118. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198118. eCollection 2018. PMID: 29856852
  • Krishnan AR, Xu K, Li TZ, Remedios LW, Sandler KL, Maldonado F, Landman BA. Lung CT harmonization of paired reconstruction kernel images using generative adversarial networks. Medical physics. 2024 Aug;51(8):5510-5523. Epub 2024 Mar 26. PMID: 38530135
  • Marmor HN, Kammer MN, Deppen SA, Shipe M, Welty VF, Patel K, Godfrey C, Billatos E, Herman JG, Wilson DO, Kussrow AK, Bornhop DJ, Maldonado F, Chen H, Grogan EL. Improving lung cancer diagnosis with cancer, fungal, and imaging biomarkers. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 2023 Sep;166(3):669-678.e4. Epub 2022 Dec 23. PMID: 36792410
  • Callison JC Jr, Walker RC, Massion PP. Somatostatin Receptors in Lung Cancer: From Function to Molecular Imaging and Therapeutics. Journal of lung cancer. 2011;10(2):69-76. PMID: 25663834
  • Deppen SA, Grogan EL, Aldrich MC, Massion PP. Lung cancer screening and smoking cessation: a teachable moment? Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2014 May 28;106(6):dju122. Print 2014 Jun. PMID: 24872542
  • Craig DJ, Crawford EL, Chen H, Grogan EL, Deppen SA, Morrison T, Antic SL, Massion PP, Willey JC. TP53 mutation prevalence in normal airway epithelium as a biomarker for lung cancer risk. BMC cancer. 2023 Aug 23;23(1):783. PMID: 37612638
  • Godfrey CM, Deppen SA. Valuing Innovation in the Bronchoscopy Suite. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2024 Dec;21(12):1659-1660. PMID: 39601502
  • Braun NA, Celada LJ, Herazo-Maya JD, Abraham S, Shaginurova G, Sevin CM, Grutters J, Culver DA, Dworski R, Sheller J, Massion PP, Polosukhin VV, Johnson JE, Kaminski N, Wilkes DS, Oswald-Richter KA, Drake WP. Blockade of the programmed death-1 pathway restores sarcoidosis CD4(+) T-cell proliferative capacity. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2014 Sep 1;190(5):560-71. PMID: 25073001
  • Rahman SMJ, Ji X, Zimmerman LJ, Li M, Harris BK, Hoeksema MD, Trenary IA, Zou Y, Qian J, Slebos RJ, Beane J, Spira A, Shyr Y, Eisenberg R, Liebler DC, Young JD, Massion PP. The airway epithelium undergoes metabolic reprogramming in individuals at high risk for lung cancer. JCI insight. 2016 Nov 17;1(19):e88814. PMID: 27882349
  • Mazzone PJ, Sears CR, Arenberg DA, Gaga M, Gould MK, Massion PP, Nair VS, Powell CA, Silvestri GA, Vachani A, Wiener RS, ATS Assembly on Thoracic Oncology. Evaluating Molecular Biomarkers for the Early Detection of Lung Cancer: When Is a Biomarker Ready for Clinical Use? An Official American Thoracic Society Policy Statement. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2017 Oct 1;196(7):e15-e29. PMID: 28960111
  • Rankin DA, Peetluk LS, Deppen S, Slaughter JC, Katz S, Halasa NB, Khankari NK. Diagnostic models predicting paediatric viral acute respiratory infections: a systematic review. BMJ open. 2023 Apr 21;13(4):e067878. PMID: 37085296
  • Hassanein M, Callison JC, Callaway-Lane C, Aldrich MC, Grogan EL, Massion PP. The state of molecular biomarkers for the early detection of lung cancer. Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.). 2012 Aug;5(8):992-1006. Epub 2012 Jun 11. PMID: 22689914
  • Xu K, Li T, Khan MS, Gao R, Antic SL, Huo Y, Sandler KL, Maldonado F, Landman BA. Body composition assessment with limited field-of-view computed tomography: A semantic image extension perspective. Medical image analysis. 2023 Aug;88:102852. Epub 2023 May 27. PMID: 37276799
  • Marmor HN, Zorn JT, Deppen SA, Massion PP, Grogan EL. Biomarkers in Lung Cancer Screening: a Narrative Review. Current challenges in thoracic surgery. 2023 Feb 25;5. Epub 2021 Mar 1. PMID: 37016707
  • Harrigan RL, Yvernault BC, Boyd BD, Damon SM, Gibney KD, Conrad BN, Phillips NS, Rogers BP, Gao Y, Landman BA. Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science Center for Computational Imaging XNAT: A multimodal data archive and processing environment. NeuroImage. 2016 Jan 1;124(Pt B):1097-1101. Epub 2015 May 16. PMID: 25988229
  • Polosukhin VV, Gutor SS, Du RH, Richmond BW, Massion PP, Wu P, Cates JM, Sandler KL, Rennard SI, Blackwell TS. Small airway determinants of airflow limitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax. 2021 Nov;76(11):1079-1088. Epub 2021 Apr 7. PMID: 33827979
  • Godfrey CM, Shipe ME, Welty VF, Maiga AW, Aldrich MC, Montgomery C, Crockett J, Vaszar LT, Regis S, Isbell JM, Rickman OB, Pinkerman R, Lambright ES, Nesbitt JC, Maldonado F, Blume JD, Deppen SA, Grogan EL. The Thoracic Research Evaluation and Treatment 2.0 Model: A Lung Cancer Prediction Model for Indeterminate Nodules Referred for Specialist Evaluation. Chest. 2023 Nov;164(5):1305-1314. Epub 2023 Jun 17. PMID: 37421973
  • Qian J, Chen H, Ji X, Eisenberg R, Chakravarthy AB, Mayer IA, Massion PP. A 3q gene signature associated with triple negative breast cancer organ specific metastasis and response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Scientific reports. 2017 Apr 7;7:45828. PMID: 28387221
  • Senosain MF, Massion PP. Intratumor Heterogeneity in Early Lung Adenocarcinoma. Frontiers in oncology. 2020 Mar 17;10:349. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.00349. eCollection 2020. PMID: 32257951
  • Miller A, Wenstrup J, Antic S, Shah C, Lentz RJ, Panovec P, Massion PP. A 56-Year-Old Man With Chronic Cough, Hemoptysis, and a Left Lower Lobe Infiltrate. Chest. 2021 Jan;159(1):e53-e56. PMID: 33422242
  • Islam S, Walker RC. Advanced imaging (positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging) and image-guided biopsy in initial staging and monitoring of therapy of lung cancer. Cancer journal (Sudbury, Mass.). 2013 May-Jun;19(3):208-16. PMID: 23708067
  • Massion PP, Healey GF, Peek LJ, Fredericks L, Sewell HF, Murray A, Robertson JF. Autoantibody Signature Enhances the Positive Predictive Power of Computed Tomography and Nodule-Based Risk Models for Detection of Lung Cancer. Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. 2017 Mar;12(3):578-584. Epub 2016 Sep 8. PMID: 27615397
  • Wood DE, Eapen GA, Ettinger DS, Hou L, Jackman D, Kazerooni E, Klippenstein D, Lackner RP, Leard L, Leung AN, Massion PP, Meyers BF, Munden RF, Otterson GA, Peairs K, Pipavath S, Pratt-Pozo C, Reddy C, Reid ME, Rotter AJ, Schabath MB, Sequist LV, Tong BC, Travis WD, Unger M, Yang SC. Lung cancer screening. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN. 2012 Feb;10(2):240-65. PMID: 22308518
  • Paez R, Kammer MN, Tanner NT, Shojaee S, Heideman BE, Peikert T, Balbach ML, Iams WT, Ning B, Lenburg ME, Mallow C, Yarmus L, Fong KM, Deppen S, Grogan EL, Maldonado F. Update on Biomarkers for the Stratification of Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodules. Chest. 2023 Oct;164(4):1028-1041. Epub 2023 May 25. PMID: 37244587
  • Silvestri GA, Tanner NT, Kearney P, Vachani A, Massion PP, Porter A, Springmeyer SC, Fang KC, Midthun D, Mazzone PJ, PANOPTIC Trial Team, Silvestri GA, Leake L, Mazzone P, Beukemann M, Midthun D, McCarthy P, Sigal B, Deluca T, Laberge F, Fortin B, Balaan M, Dimitt B, Pierre A, Allison F, Yarmus L, Oakjones-Burgess K, Tanner N, Leake L, Ettinger N, Setchfield T, Madtes D, Hubbard J, McConnell W, Robinson K, Lackey A, Jacques L, Kuo E, Markland-Gentles V, Massion P, Muterspaug A, Leach J, Rothe K, Rom W, Pass H, Sorenson A, Chesnutt A, Georgeson A, Balekian A, Fisher J, Murali R, Overton A, Desai N, Levesque A, Krimsky W, King S, Vachani A, Maletteri K, Mileham K, Carter L, Hong G, Ma J, Voelker K, Barrentine H, Aronson R, Henderson M, Lamberti J, Krawiecki C, Case A, Wilkins L, Ayers JM, Fangmann K, Landis J, DeSouza L, Hammoud Z, Kah D, Sanchez J, Murdoch L. Assessment of Plasma Proteomics Biomarker's Ability to Distinguish Benign From Malignant Lung Nodules: Results of the PANOPTIC (Pulmonary Nodule Plasma Proteomic Classifier) Trial. Chest. 2018 Sep;154(3):491-500. Epub 2018 Mar 1. PMID: 29496499
  • Magarik MA, Walker RC, Gilbert J, Manning HC, Massion PP. Intracardiac Metastases Detected by 18F-FSPG PET/CT. Clinical nuclear medicine. 2018 Jan;43(1):28-30. PMID: 29076915
  • Tunali I, Gray JE, Qi J, Abdalah M, Jeong DK, Guvenis A, Gillies RJ, Schabath MB. Novel clinical and radiomic predictors of rapid disease progression phenotypes among lung cancer patients treated with immunotherapy: An early report. Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2019 Mar;129:75-79. Epub 2019 Jan 23. PMID: 30797495
  • Li Q, Balagurunathan Y, Liu Y, Qi J, Schabath MB, Ye Z, Gillies RJ. Comparison Between Radiological Semantic Features and Lung-RADS in Predicting Malignancy of Screen-Detected Lung Nodules in the National Lung Screening Trial. Clinical lung cancer. 2018 Mar;19(2):148-156.e3. Epub 2017 Oct 13. PMID: 29137847
  • Shipe ME, Baechle JJ, Deppen SA, Gillaspie EA, Grogan EL. Modeling the impact of delaying surgery for early esophageal cancer in the era of COVID-19. Surgical endoscopy. 2021 Nov;35(11):6081-6088. Epub 2020 Nov 2. PMID: 33140152
  • Milder CM, Howard SC, Ellis ED, Deppen SA. Deep Breaths: A Systematic Review of the Potential Effects of Employment in the Nuclear Industry on Mortality from Non-Malignant Respiratory Disease. Radiation research. 2022 Oct 1;198(4):396-429. PMID: 35943867
  • Li Q, Kim J, Balagurunathan Y, Liu Y, Latifi K, Stringfield O, Garcia A, Moros EG, Dilling TJ, Schabath MB, Ye Z, Gillies RJ. Imaging features from pretreatment CT scans are associated with clinical outcomes in nonsmall-cell lung cancer patients treated with stereotactic body radiotherapy. Medical physics. 2017 Aug;44(8):4341-4349. Epub 2017 Jun 24. PMID: 28464316
  • Kammer MN, Deppen SA, Antic S, Jamshedur Rahman SM, Eisenberg R, Maldonado F, Aldrich MC, Sandler KL, Landman B, Massion PP, Grogan EL. The impact of the lung EDRN-CVC on Phase 1, 2, & 3 biomarker validation studies. Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers. 2022;33(4):449-465. PMID: 35491773
  • Ajona D, Pajares MJ, Corrales L, Perez-Gracia JL, Agorreta J, Lozano MD, Torre W, Massion PP, de-Torres JP, Jantus-Lewintre E, Camps C, Zulueta JJ, Montuenga LM, Pio R. Investigation of complement activation product c4d as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for lung cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2013 Sep 18;105(18):1385-93. Epub 2013 Aug 12. PMID: 23940286
  • Walker R, Deppen S, Smith G, Shi C, Lehman J, Clanton J, Moore B, Burns R, Grogan EL, Massion PP. 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT imaging of indeterminate pulmonary nodules and lung cancer. PloS one. 2017 Feb 9;12(2):e0171301. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171301. eCollection 2017. PMID: 28182730
  • Boutaud O, Sosa IR, Amin T, Oram D, Adler D, Hwang HS, Crews BC, Milne G, Harris BK, Hoeksema M, Knollmann BC, Lammers PE, Marnett LJ, Massion PP, Oates JA. Inhibition of the Biosynthesis of Prostaglandin E2 By Low-Dose Aspirin: Implications for Adenocarcinoma Metastasis. Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.). 2016 Nov;9(11):855-865. Epub 2016 Aug 23. PMID: 27554763
  • Hassanein M, Hight MR, Buck JR, Tantawy MN, Nickels ML, Hoeksema MD, Harris BK, Boyd K, Massion PP, Manning HC. Preclinical Evaluation of 4-[18F]Fluoroglutamine PET to Assess ASCT2 Expression in Lung Cancer. Molecular imaging and biology. 2016 Feb;18(1):18-23. PMID: 25971659
  • Sekhar KR, Benamar M, Venkateswaran A, Sasi S, Penthala NR, Crooks PA, Hann SR, Geng L, Balusu R, Abbas T, Freeman ML. Targeting nucleophosmin 1 represents a rational strategy for radiation sensitization. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. 2014 Aug 1;89(5):1106-1114. Epub 2014 Jul 8. PMID: 25035215
  • Gao R, Tang Y, Xu K, Kammer MN, Antic SL, Deppen S, Sandler KL, Massion PP, Huo Y, Landman BA. Deep Multi-path Network Integrating Incomplete Biomarker and Chest CT Data for Evaluating Lung Cancer Risk. Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2021 Feb;11596. Epub 2021 Feb 15. PMID: 34650321
  • Lastwika KJ, Kunihiro A, Solan JL, Zhang Y, Taverne LR, Shelley D, Rho JH, Randolph TW, Li CI, Grogan EL, Massion PP, Fitzpatrick AL, MacPherson D, Houghton AM, Lampe PD. Posttranslational modifications induce autoantibodies with risk prediction capability in patients with small cell lung cancer. Science translational medicine. 2023 Jan 11;15(678):eadd8469. Epub 2023 Jan 11. PMID: 36630482
  • Deppen SA, Blume JD, Aldrich MC, Fletcher SA, Massion PP, Walker RC, Chen HC, Speroff T, Degesys CA, Pinkerman R, Lambright ES, Nesbitt JC, Putnam JB Jr, Grogan EL. Predicting lung cancer prior to surgical resection in patients with lung nodules. Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. 2014 Oct;9(10):1477-84. PMID: 25170644
  • Yeo J, Morales DA, Chen T, Crawford EL, Zhang X, Blomquist TM, Levin AM, Massion PP, Arenberg DA, Midthun DE, Mazzone PJ, Nathan SD, Wainz RJ, Nana-Sinkam P, Willey PFS, Arend TJ, Padda K, Qiu S, Federov A, Hernandez DR, Hammersley JR, Yoon Y, Safi F, Khuder SA, Willey JC. RNAseq analysis of bronchial epithelial cells to identify COPD-associated genes and SNPs. BMC pulmonary medicine. 2018 Mar 5;18(1):42. PMID: 29506519
  • Godfrey CM, Marmor HN, Lambright ES, Grogan EL. Minimally Invasive and Sublobar Resections for Lung Cancer. The Surgical clinics of North America. 2022 Jun;102(3):483-492. PMID: 35671768
  • Xu K, Gao R, Tang Y, Deppen SA, Sandler KL, Kammer MN, Antic SL, Maldonado F, Huo Y, Khan MS, Landman BA. Extending the value of routine lung screening CT with quantitative body composition assessment. Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2022 Feb-Mar;12032. Epub 2022 Apr 4. PMID: 36303578
  • Rahman SMJ, Chen SC, Wang YT, Gao Y, Schepmoes AA, Fillmore TL, Shi T, Chen H, Rodland KD, Massion PP, Grogan EL, Liu T. Validation of a Proteomic Signature of Lung Cancer Risk from Bronchial Specimens of Risk-Stratified Individuals. Cancers. 2023 Sep 10;15. (18). PMID: 37760474
  • Dong C, Li TZ, Xu K, Wang Z, Maldonado F, Sandler K, Landman BA, Huo Y. Characterizing browser-based medical imaging AI with serverless edge computing: towards addressing clinical data security constraints. Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2023 Feb;12469. Epub 2023 Apr 10. PMID: 37063644
  • Hurtado M, Khajavi L, Essabbar A, Kammer M, Xie T, Coullomb A, Pradines A, Casanova A, Kruczynski A, Gouin S, Clermont E, Boutillet L, Senosain MF, Zou Y, Zhao S, Burq P, Mahfoudi A, Besse J, Launay P, Passioukov A, Chetaille E, Favre G, Maldonado F, Cruzalegui F, Delfour O, Mazières J, Pancaldi V. Transcriptomics profiling of the non-small cell lung cancer microenvironment across disease stages reveals dual immune cell-type behaviors. Frontiers in immunology. 2024 Oct 31;15:1394965. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1394965. eCollection 2024. PMID: 39606240
  • Liu Y, Balagurunathan Y, Atwater T, Antic S, Li Q, Walker RC, Smith GT, Massion PP, Schabath MB, Gillies RJ. Radiological Image Traits Predictive of Cancer Status in Pulmonary Nodules. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. 2017 Mar 15;23(6):1442-1449. Epub 2016 Sep 23. PMID: 27663588
  • Vachani A, Lam S, Massion PP, Brown JK, Beggs M, Fish AL, Carbonell L, Wang SX, Mazzone PJ. Development and Validation of a Risk Assessment Model for Pulmonary Nodules Using Plasma Proteins and Clinical Factors. Chest. 2023 Apr;163(4):966-976. Epub 2022 Nov 8. PMID: 36368616
  • Ferreiro-Iglesias A, Lesseur C, McKay J, Hung RJ, Han Y, Zong X, Christiani D, Johansson M, Xiao X, Li Y, Qian DC, Ji X, Liu G, Caporaso N, Scelo G, Zaridze D, Mukeriya A, Kontic M, Ognjanovic S, Lissowska J, Szołkowska M, Swiatkowska B, Janout V, Holcatova I, Bolca C, Savic M, Ognjanovic M, Bojesen SE, Wu X, Albanes D, Aldrich MC, Tardon A, Fernandez-Somoano A, Fernandez-Tardon G, Le Marchand L, Rennert G, Chen C, Doherty J, Goodman G, Bickeböller H, Wichmann HE, Risch A, Rosenberger A, Shen H, Dai J, Field JK, Davies M, Woll P, Teare MD, Kiemeney LA, van der Heijden EHFM, Yuan JM, Hong YC, Haugen A, Zienolddiny S, Lam S, Tsao MS, Johansson M, Grankvist K, Schabath MB, Andrew A, Duell E, Melander O, Brunnström H, Lazarus P, Arnold S, Slone S, Byun J, Kamal A, Zhu D, Landi MT, Amos CI, Brennan P. Fine mapping of MHC region in lung cancer highlights independent susceptibility loci by ethnicity. Nature communications. 2018 Sep 25;9(1):3927. PMID: 30254314
  • Kammer MN, Lakhani DA, Balar AB, Antic SL, Kussrow AK, Webster RL, Mahapatra S, Barad U, Shah C, Atwater T, Diergaarde B, Qian J, Kaizer A, New M, Hirsch E, Feser WJ, Strong J, Rioth M, Miller YE, Balagurunathan Y, Rowe DJ, Helmey S, Chen SC, Bauza J, Deppen SA, Sandler K, Maldonado F, Spira A, Billatos E, Schabath MB, Gillies RJ, Wilson DO, Walker RC, Landman B, Chen H, Grogan EL, Barón AE, Bornhop DJ, Massion PP. Integrated Biomarkers for the Management of Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodules. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2021 Dec 1;204(11):1306-1316. PMID: 34464235
  • Xu K, Li TZ, Terry JG, Krishnan AR, Deppen SA, Huo Y, Maldonado F, Carr JJ, Landman BA, Sandler KL. Age-related Muscle Fat Infiltration in Lung Screening Participants: Impact of Smoking Cessation. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences. 2023 Dec 5. PMID: 38106099
  • Massion PP, Walker RC. Indeterminate pulmonary nodules: risk for having or for developing lung cancer? Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.). 2014 Dec;7(12):1173-8. Epub 2014 Oct 27. PMID: 25348855
  • Gao R, Tang Y, Xu K, Huo Y, Bao S, Antic SL, Epstein ES, Deppen S, Paulson AB, Sandler KL, Massion PP, Landman BA. Time-distanced gates in long short-term memory networks. Medical image analysis. 2020 Oct;65:101785. Epub 2020 Jul 18. PMID: 32745977
  • Atwater T, Cook CM, Massion PP. The Pursuit of Noninvasive Diagnosis of Lung Cancer. Seminars in respiratory and critical care medicine. 2016 Oct;37(5):670-680. Epub 2016 Oct 12. PMID: 27732989
  • Rankin DA, Stewart LS, Slaughter JC, Deppen S, Katz SE, Stahl AL, Stopczynski T, Yanis A, McHenry R, Guevara Pulido C, Herazo Romero Y, Chappell JD, Halasa NB, Khankari NK, Halasa/Chappell Research Investigators. Principal Component Patterns of Pediatric Respiratory Viral Testing Across Health Care Settings. Hospital pediatrics. 2024 Feb 1;14(2):126-136. PMID: 38225919
  • Xiao D, Kammer MN, Chen H, Woodhouse P, Sandler KL, Baron AE, Wilson DO, Billatos E, Pu J, Maldonado F, Deppen SA, Grogan EL. Assessing the transportability of radiomic models for lung cancer diagnosis: commercial vs. open-source feature extractors. Translational lung cancer research. 2024 Aug 31;13(8):1907-1917. Epub 2024 Aug 26. PMID: 39263016
  • Gao R, Tang Y, Khan MS, Xu K, Paulson AB, Sullivan S, Huo Y, Deppen S, Massion PP, Sandler KL, Landman BA. Cancer Risk Estimation Combining Lung Screening CT with Clinical Data Elements. Radiology. Artificial intelligence. 2021 Oct 13;3(6):e210032. doi: 10.1148/ryai.2021210032. eCollection 2021 Nov. PMID: 34870220
  • Monahan K, Kammer M, Su YR, Iams W, Grogan E, Maldonado F. Potential for trans-pulmonary tumor markers in the early diagnosis of lung cancer: a case report. BMC pulmonary medicine. 2024 Sep 18;24(1):460. PMID: 39294582
  • Marmor HN, Deppen SA, Welty V, Kammer MN, Godfrey CM, Patel K, Maldonado F, Chen H, Starnes SL, Wilson DO, Billatos E, Grogan EL. Improving Lung Cancer Diagnosis with CT Radiomics and Serum Histoplasmosis Testing. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology. 2023 Mar 6;32(3):329-336. PMID: 36535650
  • Lakhani DA, Chen SC, Antic S, Muterspaugh A, Cook C, Liu N, Shujat H, Jouan S, Winston B, Fields K, Wenstrup J, Block SL, Hinton A, Miller A, Atmajoana S, Helton JT, Patel K, Balar AB, Brewer K, Nag S, Singh R, Disher A, Huerta L, Fremont R, Rickman O, Chen H, Eisenberg R, Sandler KL, Paulson A, Walker RC, Shah C, Smith GT, Landman B, Deppen S, Grogan EL, Aldrich MC, Massion PP. Establishing a Cohort and a Biorepository to Identify Biomarkers for Early Detection of Lung Cancer: The Nashville Lung Cancer Screening Trial Cohort. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2021 Jul;18(7):1227-1234. PMID: 33400907
  • Woodhouse P, Paez R, Meyers P, Lentz RJ, Shoajaee S, Sharp K, Baldi N, Maldonado F, Grogan EL. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence as a Safety Net for Incidentally Identified Lung Nodules at a Tertiary Center. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2025 Jan 13. Epub 2025 Jan 13. PMID: 39803962
  • Smith GT, Rahman AR, Li M, Moore B, Gietema H, Veronesi G, Massion PP, Walker RC. Reproducibility of Volumetric Computed Tomography of Stable Small Pulmonary Nodules with Implications on Estimated Growth Rate and Optimal Scan Interval. PloS one. 2015 Sep 17;10(9):e0138144. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138144. eCollection 2015. PMID: 26379272
  • Tindle HA, Stevenson Duncan M, Greevy RA, Vasan RS, Kundu S, Massion PP, Freiberg MS. Lifetime Smoking History and Risk of Lung Cancer: Results From the Framingham Heart Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2018 Nov 1;110(11):1201-1207. PMID: 29788259
  • Atwater T, Massion PP. Biomarkers of risk to develop lung cancer in the new screening era. Annals of translational medicine. 2016 Apr;4(8):158. PMID: 27195276
  • Farkas JZ, Smith GT, Webb GF. A dynamic model of CT scans for quantifying doubling time of ground glass opacities using histogram analysis. Mathematical biosciences and engineering : MBE. 2018 Oct 1;15(5):1203-1224. PMID: 30380307
  • Deppen SA, Massion PP, Blume J, Walker RC, Antic S, Chen H, Durkin MM, Wheat LJ, Grogan EL. Accuracy of a Novel Histoplasmosis Enzyme Immunoassay to Evaluate Suspicious Lung Nodules. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology. 2019 Feb;28(2):321-326. Epub 2018 Oct 19. PMID: 30341097
  • Wood DE, Kazerooni EA, Baum SL, Eapen GA, Ettinger DS, Hou L, Jackman DM, Klippenstein D, Kumar R, Lackner RP, Leard LE, Lennes IT, Leung ANC, Makani SS, Massion PP, Mazzone P, Merritt RE, Meyers BF, Midthun DE, Pipavath S, Pratt C, Reddy C, Reid ME, Rotter AJ, Sachs PB, Schabath MB, Schiebler ML, Tong BC, Travis WD, Wei B, Yang SC, Gregory KM, Hughes M. Lung Cancer Screening, Version 3.2018, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN. 2018 Apr;16(4):412-441. PMID: 29632061
  • Ajona D, Remirez A, Sainz C, Bertolo C, Gonzalez A, Varo N, Lozano MD, Zulueta JJ, Mesa-Guzman M, C Martin A, Perez-Palacios R, Perez-Gracia JL, Massion PP, Montuenga LM, Pio R. A model based on the quantification of complement C4c, CYFRA 21-1 and CRP exhibits high specificity for the early diagnosis of lung cancer. Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine. 2021 Jul;233:77-91. Epub 2021 Feb 19. PMID: 33618009
  • Hassanein M, Qian J, Hoeksema MD, Wang J, Jacobovitz M, Ji X, Harris FT, Harris BK, Boyd KL, Chen H, Eisenberg R, Massion PP. Targeting SLC1a5-mediated glutamine dependence in non-small cell lung cancer. International journal of cancer. 2015 Oct 1;137(7):1587-97. Epub 2015 May 6. PMID: 25821004
  • Deppen SA, Blume JD, Kensinger CD, Morgan AM, Aldrich MC, Massion PP, Walker RC, McPheeters ML, Putnam JB Jr, Grogan EL. Accuracy of FDG-PET to diagnose lung cancer in areas with infectious lung disease: a meta-analysis. JAMA. 2014 Sep 24;312(12):1227-36. PMID: 25247519
  • Phelps HM, Pierce JM, Murphy AJ, Correa H, Qian J, Massion PP, Lovvorn HN 3rd. FXR1 expression domain in Wilms tumor. Journal of pediatric surgery. 2019 Jun;54(6):1198-1205. Epub 2019 Feb 28. PMID: 30894247

Clinical Trials

Study Name Clinical Trial ID
Nashville Early Diagnosis Lung Cancer Project NCT01475500