Date Posted

The National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Prevention has released three Funding Opportunity Announcements to accept applications to create the Cancer Screening Research Network (CSRN). The CSRN will conduct rigorous, multi-center cancer screening trials and studies to evaluate emerging technologies and strategies for the purpose of cancer screening. Cancer screening provides the opportunity to diagnose cancers and precancerous lesions before symptoms develop. Multi-Cancer Detection assays (MCDs) will be evaluated through this network.
*--- We encourage you to share these Funding Opportunity Announcements with others who may also be interested. ---*
The Cancer Screening Research Network will have three different components for an integrated network:
- NCI Cancer Screening Research Network: ACCrual, Enrollment, and Screening Sites (ACCESS) Hub (UG1 Clinical Trial Required) - NCI Cancer Screening Research Network: Statistics and Data Management Center (UG1 Clinical Trial Required) - NCI Cancer Screening Research Network: Coordinating and Communication Center (UG1 Clinical Trial Required)
Informational pre-application webinars are being scheduled and will be announced soon.
Questions can be directed to this email:
Please check the Cancer Screening Research Network web page for updates and further announcements at: