Program Official

Principal Investigator

Adedayo A
Awardee Organization

Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation
United States

Fiscal Year
Activity Code
Early Stage Investigator Grants (ESI)
Not Applicable
Project End Date

Wisconsin NCI Community Oncology Research Program (WiNCORP)

The Wisconsin NCORP (WiNCORP) is a consortium of three established healthcare systems in the state of Wisconsin with a long-standing history of excellence in oncology care – Marshfield Clinic Health System, Gundersen Health System, and ThedaCare. Through a network of hospitals, clinics, and other facilities spanning most of the state of Wisconsin, upper Michigan and adjacent counties in Northern Iowa and Southeastern Minnesota, WiNCORP institutions collectively provide care and access to oncology clinical trials to a predominantly rural population. Member sites participate in numerous NCI-sponsored clinical trials and are active in NCORP research base committees, NCI task forces and steering committees, research networks, and organizations with a focus on improving cancer care. Investigators from each system are consistently recognized by the NCI and/or the research bases for their accrual totals, and WiNCORP has been designated as a high-performing site over the previous grant cycle. Through the work of multidisciplinary care teams and research staff, WiNCORP will continue to leverage its collective expertise to open numerous cancer care delivery research (CCDR) trials. With a shared mission to provide patient access to NCI-sponsored clinical trials, WiNCORP members are well-positioned to increase patient accruals from historically underrepresented populations in clinical trials such as rural, elderly, and low-income individuals, enhance cancer care delivery, and reduce disparities in cancer burden across the region. To achieve this goal, WiNCORP leadership has outlined four specific aims for the consortium: 1) Conduct NCI Phase I/II, II and III cancer screening, prevention, symptom management, treatment, post-treatment, imaging and quality of life trials across the entire WiNCORP service area. 2) Facilitate conduct of Cancer Care Delivery Research (CCDR) across our integrated health care systems through establishment of an expanded research infrastructure. 3) Facilitate accrual to molecular target driven trials. 4) Incorporate a new patient population and provider group in the WiNCORP consortium that currently has no access to CCDR studies. These specific aims will be accomplished by expanding communication channels between patients and WiNCORP members, streamlining the process of site opening for various clinical trials, enhancing resource sharing among member sites, enhancing community engagement in clinical trial participation, and continual enhancements and developments in infrastructure and personnel to open and accrue patients to a variety of clinical trial types. It is anticipated that WiNCORP-wide efforts in staff education, clinical trial feasibility assessment, harmonized internal processes, synchronized regulatory support, development of system and trial-specific standard operating procedures, and collaboration among investigators from the three consortium sites will create a synergy that will further enhance clinical trial conduct, efficiency, and quality.


  • Varlotto JM, Sun Z, Ky B, Upshaw J, Katz SI, Fitzgerald TJ, Wakelee H, Diehn M, Mankoff DA, Lovely C, Belani C, Oettel K, Masters G, Ramalingam S, Pennell NA. A Review of Immunotherapy for Stage III and Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and the Rationale for the ECOG-ACRIN EA5181 Study. The oncologist. 2021 Jun;26(6):523-532. Epub 2021 Mar 11. PMID: 33594771
  • Stewart AK, Jacobus S, Fonseca R, Weiss M, Callander NS, Chanan-Khan AA, Rajkumar SV. Melphalan, prednisone, and thalidomide vs melphalan, prednisone, and lenalidomide (ECOG E1A06) in untreated multiple myeloma. Blood. 2015 Sep 10;126(11):1294-301. Epub 2015 Jul 8. PMID: 26157076
  • Halfdanarson TR, Foster NR, Kim GP, Meyers JP, Smyrk TC, McCullough AE, Ames MM, Jaffe JP, Alberts SR. A Phase II Randomized Trial of Panitumumab, Erlotinib, and Gemcitabine Versus Erlotinib and Gemcitabine in Patients with Untreated, Metastatic Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: North Central Cancer Treatment Group Trial N064B (Alliance). The oncologist. 2019 May;24(5):589-e160. Epub 2019 Jan 24. PMID: 30679315
  • Wong YN, Manola J, Hudes GR, Roth BJ, Moul JW, Barsevick AM, Scher RM, Volk MJ, Vaughn DJ, Williams SD, Fisch MJ, Cella D, Carducci MA, Wilding G. Phase 2 Study of Weekly Paclitaxel Plus Estramustine in Metastatic Hormone-Refractory Prostate Carcinoma: ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group (E1898) Trial. Clinical genitourinary cancer. 2018 Apr;16(2):e315-e322. Epub 2017 Oct 16. PMID: 29173976
  • Parikh K, Mandrekar SJ, Allen-Ziegler K, Esplin B, Tan AD, Marchello B, Adjei AA, Molina JR. A Phase II Study of Pazopanib in Patients with Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: NCCTG N0623 (Alliance). The oncologist. 2020 Jun;25(6):523-531. Epub 2019 Dec 24. PMID: 31872928
  • McLouth LE, Zheng Y, Smith S, Hodi FS, Rao UN, Cohen GI, Amatruda TT, Dakhil SR, Curti BD, Nakhoul I, Chandana SR, Bane CL, Marinier DE, Lee SJ, Sondak VK, Kirkwood JM, Tarhini AA, Wagner LI. Patient-reported tolerability of adjuvant ipilimumab (3 or 10 mg/kg) versus high-dose interferon alfa-2b for resected high-risk stage III-IV melanoma in phase III trial E1609. Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation. 2023 Jan;32(1):183-196. Epub 2022 Aug 27. PMID: 36029412
  • Patel SP, Othus M, Chen Y, Wright GP Jr, Yost KJ, Hyngstrom JR, Hu-Lieskovan S, Lao CD, Fecher LA, Truong TG, Eisenstein JL, Chandra S, Sosman JA, Kendra KL, Wu RC, Devoe CE, Deutsch GB, Hegde A, Khalil M, Mangla A, Reese AM, Ross MI, Poklepovic AS, Phan GQ, Onitilo AA, Yasar DG, Powers BC, Doolittle GC, In GK, Kokot N, Gibney GT, Atkins MB, Shaheen M, Warneke JA, Ikeguchi A, Najera JE, Chmielowski B, Crompton JG, Floyd JD, Hsueh E, Margolin KA, Chow WA, Grossmann KF, Dietrich E, Prieto VG, Lowe MC, Buchbinder EI, Kirkwood JM, Korde L, Moon J, Sharon E, Sondak VK, Ribas A. Neoadjuvant-Adjuvant or Adjuvant-Only Pembrolizumab in Advanced Melanoma. The New England journal of medicine. 2023 Mar 2;388(9):813-823. PMID: 36856617
  • Navari RM, Qin R, Ruddy KJ, Liu H, Powell SF, Bajaj M, Dietrich L, Biggs D, Lafky JM, Loprinzi CL. Olanzapine for the Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting. The New England journal of medicine. 2016 Jul 14;375(2):134-42. PMID: 27410922
  • Peipert JD, Zhao F, Lee JW, Shen SE, Ip E, O'Connell N, Carlos RC, Graham N, Smith ML, Gareen IF, Raper PJ, Weiss M, Kumar SK, Rajkumar SV, Cella D, Gray R, Wagner LI. Patient-Reported Adverse Events and Early Treatment Discontinuation Among Patients With Multiple Myeloma. JAMA network open. 2024 Mar 4;7(3):e243854. PMID: 38536173
  • Galanis E, Anderson SK, Twohy EL, Carrero XW, Dixon JG, Tran DD, Jeyapalan SA, Anderson DM, Kaufmann TJ, Feathers RW, Giannini C, Buckner JC, Anastasiadis PZ, Schiff D. A phase 1 and randomized, placebo-controlled phase 2 trial of bevacizumab plus dasatinib in patients with recurrent glioblastoma: Alliance/North Central Cancer Treatment Group N0872. Cancer. 2019 Nov 1;125(21):3790-3800. Epub 2019 Jul 10. PMID: 31290996
  • Jacobus SJ, Rajkumar SV, Weiss M, Stewart AK, Stadtmauer EA, Callander NS, Dreosti LM, Lacy MQ, Fonseca R. Randomized phase III trial of consolidation therapy with bortezomib-lenalidomide-Dexamethasone (VRd) vs bortezomib-dexamethasone (Vd) for patients with multiple myeloma who have completed a dexamethasone based induction regimen. Blood cancer journal. 2016 Jul 29;6(7):e448. PMID: 27471864
  • Kircher S, Duan F, An N, Gareen IF, Sicks JD, Sadigh G, Suga JM, Kehn H, Mehan PT, Bajaj R, Hanson DS, Dalia SM, Acoba JD, Yasar DG, Park ER, Wagner LI, Carlos RC. Patient-Reported Financial Burden of Treatment for Colon or Rectal Cancer. JAMA network open. 2024 Jan 2;7(1):e2350844. PMID: 38194233
  • Bradbury AR, Lee JW, Gaieski JB, Li S, Gareen IF, Flaherty KT, Herman BA, Domchek SM, DeMichele AM, Maxwell KN, Onitilo AA, Virani S, Park S, Faller BA, Grant SC, Ramaekers RC, Behrens RJ, Nambudiri GS, Carlos RC, Wagner LI. A randomized study of genetic education versus usual care in tumor profiling for advanced cancer in the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group (EAQ152). Cancer. 2022 Apr 1;128(7):1381-1391. Epub 2021 Dec 10. PMID: 34890045
  • Kumar SK, Jacobus SJ, Cohen AD, Weiss M, Callander N, Singh AK, Parker TL, Menter A, Yang X, Parsons B, Kumar P, Kapoor P, Rosenberg A, Zonder JA, Faber E Jr, Lonial S, Anderson KC, Richardson PG, Orlowski RZ, Wagner LI, Rajkumar SV. Carfilzomib or bortezomib in combination with lenalidomide and dexamethasone for patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma without intention for immediate autologous stem-cell transplantation (ENDURANCE): a multicentre, open-label, phase 3, randomised, controlled trial. The Lancet. Oncology. 2020 Oct;21(10):1317-1330. Epub 2020 Aug 28. PMID: 32866432
  • Saucke MC, Jacobson N, McKinney G, Neuman HB. Role of the Surgeon in De-Escalating Emotion During a Breast Cancer Surgery Consultation: A Qualitative Study of Patients' Experiences in Alliance A231701CD. Annals of surgical oncology. 2024 Dec;31(13):8873-8881. Epub 2024 Sep 25. PMID: 39320397
  • Dotan E, Catalano P, Lenchik L, Boutin R, Yao X, Marques HS, Ioffe D, Zhen DB, Li D, Wagner LI, Simon MA, Wong TZ, O'Dwyer PJ. The GIANT trial (ECOG-ACRIN EA2186) methods paper: A randomized phase II study of gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel compared with 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and liposomal irinotecan in older patients with treatment-naïve metastatic pancreatic cancer - defining a new treatment option for older vulnerable patients. Journal of geriatric oncology. 2023 Apr;14(3):101474. Epub 2023 Mar 22. PMID: 36963200
  • Comstock CE, Gatsonis C, Newstead GM, Snyder BS, Gareen IF, Bergin JT, Rahbar H, Sung JS, Jacobs C, Harvey JA, Nicholson MH, Ward RC, Holt J, Prather A, Miller KD, Schnall MD, Kuhl CK. Comparison of Abbreviated Breast MRI vs Digital Breast Tomosynthesis for Breast Cancer Detection Among Women With Dense Breasts Undergoing Screening. JAMA. 2020 Feb 25;323(8):746-756. PMID: 32096852