Major Program
Supportive Care and Symptom Management
NCI Community Oncology Research Program
Research Group
Community Oncology and Prevention Trials
Children's Oncology Group
Recruiting ID
For more information, see NCT06639958
This clinical trial tests different programs to help patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) remember to take their medications during maintenance therapy at home. One problem with ALL maintenance treatment is remembering to take medicines at home like patients are supposed to. In maintenance, a medicine called 6-mercaptopurine or "6MP" is taken by mouth every day at home. In this study, 6MP prescriptions are filled into a special medication bottle called MEMS® which is fitted with a special cap called TrackCap™ that electronically records when the medication bottle is opened. Researchers are trying a new program to help patients be better at taking their 6MP like they're supposed to. This new program may help patients to remember to take their 6MP medication.
Biospecimen Collection, Compliance Monitoring, Health Promotion and Education, Informational Intervention, Media Intervention, Medical Device Usage and Evaluation, Mercaptopurine, Questionnaire Administration, Telephone-Based Intervention, Training and Education
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Smita Bhatia, Emad K. Salman, Site Public Contact, Alan K. Ikeda, Catherine A. Long, Jason M. Fixler, Jose M. Esquilin, Clare J. Twist, Caitlin W. Elgarten, Robin Y. Dulman, Fouad M. Hajjar, Melissa S. Mark, Scott M. Bradfield, Bradley DeNardo, Shannon M. Cohn, Stuart L. Cramer, Daniel L. Callaway, Jennifer A. Belsky, David L. Becton