Reaching Rural Cancer Survivors Who Smoke Using Text-Based Program

Major Program
Supportive Care and Symptom Management
NCI Community Oncology Research Program
Research Group
Community Oncology and Prevention Trials
Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology
Recruiting ID
For more information, see NCT05008848
This phase III trial compares the effect of text-based cessation intervention to a manual in helping rural cancer patients who smoke, quit. Text-based scheduled gradual reduction may reduce the frequency of cigarette use to zero and may be effective in quitting smoking.
Health Promotion and Education, Informational Intervention, Questionnaire Administration, Smoking Cessation Intervention
Cigarette Smoking-Related Carcinoma
Devon Noonan, PhD, MPH, FNP-BC, John A. Ellerton, Vamsi K. Vasireddy, Bryan A. Faller, Jay W. Carlson, Brandon Mullins, Anthony J. Jaslowski, William E. Burak, Kathleen J. Yost, Daniel M. Anderson, Homam Alkaied, Samer S. Kasbari, Linda M. Sutton, Jennifer Ward, Robert J. Isaak, Deborah W. Wilbur, Gary C. Doolittle, Shahzad Siddique, Moises Harari-Turquie, Judith O. Hopkins, Rajiv Panikkar, Michael O. Ojelabi, Banu E. Symington, Site Public Contact, John M. Schallenkamp, Brandon R. Weckbaugh, Nemer J. El Mouallem, Joseph D. Phillips, John J. Dombrowski, Shylendra B. Sreenivasappa, Shravan K. Narmala, Tyler Y. Kang, Steven J. Saccaro, Seema Harichand-Herdt, Sheetal S. Acharya, Sejal Kothadia, William A. Wilson, Bret E. Friday, John K. Hill, Daphne R. Friedman, Mustapha A. Khalife, Asheesh Shipstone, Antonio J. Ruiz, Mylene S. Go

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