Geriatric Evaluation and Management with Survivorship Health Education (GEMS) for Older Survivors of Cancer

Major Program
Supportive Care and Symptom Management
NCI Community Oncology Research Program
Research Group
Community Oncology and Prevention Trials
University of Rochester NCORP Research Base
Recruiting ID
For more information, see NCT05006482
This phase III cluster randomized trial compares the effect of geriatric evaluation and management with survivorship health education (GEMS) to usual care on patient-reported physical function in older survivors of cancer. Survivorship care for older adults of cancer usually consists of getting advice from their doctor. This advice may include how to do their daily activities, so they are less tired or how to manage multiple diseases, or long-term side effects from treatment. GEMS may help improve the physical ability to perform activities of daily living, mental well-being, and memory in older survivors of cancer after chemotherapy. This study may help doctors learn if including GEMS in their practices improves physical, mental and memory functions in their patients. The study may also help to understand how such care affects cancer patients and their caregivers' quality of life.
Best Practice, Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment, Educational Intervention, Exercise Intervention, Questionnaire Administration, Tailored Intervention
Malignant Solid Neoplasm
Supriya G Mohile, Michele Lacy, Erin Fukaya,, Michelle Harmon, Amy Koffarnus, Deanna Cole, Lauren Barone, Sarah Strause, Desiree Goldstein, Heather Albertson, Chuck Tryon, Zsolt Nagykaldi, PhD, BTh

See list of participating sites