Research Group
Nutritional Science
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Active, not recruiting ID
For more information, see NCT01728571
The VITamin D and OmegA-3 TriaL (VITAL; NCT 01169259) is an ongoing randomized clinical trial in 25,871 U.S. men and women investigating whether taking daily dietary supplements of vitamin D3 (2000 IU) or omega-3 fatty acids (Omacor® fish oil, 1 gram) reduces the risk of developing cancer, heart disease, and stroke in people who do not have a prior history of these illnesses.
This ancillary study is being conducted among participants in VITAL and will examine whether vitamin D or fish oil reduces respiratory morbidity, including COPD and asthma exacerbations, the risk of pneumonia, and airflow obstruction/decline of pulmonary function; and whether either of these interventions improves asthma control.
This ancillary study is being conducted among participants in VITAL and will examine whether vitamin D or fish oil reduces respiratory morbidity, including COPD and asthma exacerbations, the risk of pneumonia, and airflow obstruction/decline of pulmonary function; and whether either of these interventions improves asthma control.
Fish oil placebo, Vitamin D3, Vitamin D3 placebo, fish oil
COPD, Asthma, Pulmonary Function, Pneumonia
Diane R Gold, MD, MPH