Vance Berger, Ph.D.
Email: vance.berger@nih.gov
Phone: 240-276-7142
Fax: 240-276-7845
Room: 5E628
Vance Berger, Ph.D., is a Mathematical Statistician in the Biometry Research Group.
Dr. Berger provides statistical review of Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP) protocols and concepts and conducts methodological research related to the design and analysis of randomized trials. His research interests focus primarily on internal validity and biases, and he led the effort to develop a web-based tool that automates the execution of Maximally-Tolerated-Imbalance (MTI) randomization. The tool permits creation of allocation sequences for any real-world trial.
Dr. Berger completed a Ph.D. in statistics at Rutgers University and holds degrees in statistics from Cornell University and Stanford University. He has written a book on clinical trial design and analysis, Selection Bias and Covariate Imbalances in Randomized Clinical Trials, and is the recipient of the 2006 Gertrude M. Cox Award (as selected by the Washington Statistical Society). His career has included positions in the pharmaceutical industry and the Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Berger has taught statistics and biostatistics at Rutgers University, the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, and the University of Maryland. Dr. Berger joined the Biometry Research Group in 1999.