Mary Jane Ong

Nurse Consultant
| Early Detection

Phone: 240-858-3296
Work: 301-768-5756
Room: 5E112


Mary Jane Ong, B.S.N., M.S., C.C.R.P., C.C.R.C., O.C.N., joined the Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP) in November 2023 as a nurse consultant in the Early Detection Research Group. Her work centers on the Cancer Screening Research Network (CSRN), a new clinical trials network that will systematically evaluate different technologies related to cancer screening.

Ms. Ong has been involved in clinical research trials for more than 15 years with a focus on oncology since 2017. She started her career at Johns Hopkins University as a research coordinator in allergy and asthma and later moved to Huntington’s disease trials. While working at Johns Hopkins, she completed her B.S.N. and M.S. degrees at the University of Maryland.

In 2015, Ms. Ong temporarily left research to work as an inpatient nurse for leukemia patients. In 2019, she joined NCI as a research nurse for phase I therapeutic clinical trials with the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis.