TEAG Forum: NCI Drug Development Resources: PREVENT and NExT Programs

Meeting Date and Time
Virtual via WebEx
Mark Stephen Miller, Ph.D.
John Giraldes
NCI Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP)
Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD)
Research Group
Chemopreventive Agent Development

Date Posted

TEAG encourages the exchange of information across NCI by coordinating forums to foster interdisciplinary research and collaborations. This forum will highlight two NCI programs designed to support preclinical development of innovative strategies for cancer prevention, through the PREVENT program, and cancer treatment, through the NCI Experimental Therapeutics (NExT) program. These are not grant programs, but rather allocate NCI contract resources and expertise to generate data and materials, which are used by the awardees for further development.


Mark Steven Miller, Ph.D.
Deputy Chief / Program Director
Chemopreventive Agent Development
Director of PREVENT Operations
NCI Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP)
Email: mark.miller5@nih.gov

John Giraldes
Program Manager
NCI Experimental Therapeutics (NExT) Program
NCI Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD)
Email:  john.giraldes@nih.gov